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since ‎12-19-2022

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Received email for account change but no attached documents (Residential Service Agreement, Terms of Service.) Who do I contact for that?   *Added Labels*
Like many others, I’m a longtime customer. Been trying for a week to switch from cable tv/internet to Ignite bundle at a decent price. I guess that Rogers has decided to ignore loyal customers for shiny new Shaw customers. It’s sad how this company w...
Ignite webpages vanish from website   It’s darn hard to do research on Ignite bundles when the web pages keep disappearing. A Google search will show Ignite web links but every one of them opens as either mobile ads or mobile links. Poor website mana...
Trying to check Internet data usage on MyRogers website. Too bad I can’t see it because the webpage is covered with ads. Again. There is no way to pull the data usage out from behind the ads. Poor page design.   *Added Labels*