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since ‎10-27-2022

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I heard that Android doesn't have Visual Voicemail. So I have boomers leaving useless messages such as "call me" , instead of sending a text.   While I can't turn off voicemail altogether, as it still has a purpose, i.e. important phone calls, it wou...
Is Rogers getting more Android tablets anytime soon ?I have a free tablet plan included in my account but I have no interest in getting the Galaxy A7 or the rugged tablet.A windows device or an different Android tablet would be nice   ***Edited Label...
My understanding  is VoLTE , VoWiFi and sometimes 5G operate on a whitelist-approval basis, and therefore unapproved phones not purchases from Rogers often are not allowed to use VoLTE. This is a shame because these phones possess all the right modem...