Just received an email offer for Ignite Self Protect to include 2 cameras on Rogers for 3 years. Anybody also receive this.
Does anyone have any experience with this service
***Edited Labels***
I checked one of my boxes: TX061AEI_6.6p21.s1-Prod-sey The moderator should be able to give the most up to date version in case I copied some digits incorrectly. I also found all the Moderators very helpful.
tupeloI am no technician but it sounds like it is a firmware issue. You should check what version is on your new box. If you not up to date contact tech support to get their help in pushing a new one through. My issues were resolved near end of Fe...
Cf67....not sure who you have contacted, but I would recommend the following sequence;-call tech support and they will probably want you to reboot modem and boxes , etc. but advise them you want a ticket created and get the ticket number. You will ev...
Just a bit more info on checking firmware version and version(s) to have from Moderator Rogers Moin. Re: Ignite Screen Goes Black Intermittently RogersMoinModeratorIn response to twogood 2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks agoHello, Community. We ha...
I received a message that Rogers pushed a firmware fix for the problem out 2-3 weeks ago. As they do in segments and not all at once, some may have got it later. I don't know if you saw an earlier post when the fix came out , by one of the Rogers Mod...