I’ve got these all around my neighborhood, matter of fact I have one on my property going up a light post, through my tree, to my neighbours house two doors down, wrapped around their downspout and into their home.
It’s a Vizio issue since the most recent firmware update, I have the P65F1 which also has been turning itself on usually overnight. I’ve resorted to unplugging the power bar when I’m finished using the television for the night.
I replaced the batteries again with Duracell Procell and it’s working fine again, seems like this remote prefers Duracell batteries. The generic ones Rogers gave me with a prior cable box gave me problems after a couple weeks.
Went to watch TV today when I press the microphone button it makes a sound similar to a walkie talkie not the usually chime sound. I’ve replaced the batteries recently. Any remedy or new remote needed?
While viewing the guide have a small screen in the corner displaying the current program being watched. While FF/RW/pause/play a program have the info bar less intrusive (not taking up half the screen)