You know what is super weird... Yesterday when I called Rogers to make sure they escalated it to maintenance, & they did, & then less than 2 hours later I got the text "the issue has been fixed" ... I thought for sure they didn't fix it and just clos...
I've had 2 senior technicians come. They don't seem to know what they're doing. Honestly. Like I'm sorry to say. First one said we need to drill a new line into our home. Second one said it's an area issue and we don't need to drill a new line (there...
I'm on my 5th technician appointment. Still no resolution & each time a technician comes we get a different diagnosis. This experience is really baffling.
I've had two Rogers technicians come in the last 2 days. It seems like the issue is less problematic, but it's still there! It's happening on wifi, on hard wire, on tv , on everything! Why does it seem like Rogers doesn't know how to fix this? Today'...
Did you get this fixed?I have the same issue I literally can't do anything I have no clue what I'm paying for and I'm honestly thinking of just cancelling my service with Rogers as I seem to have nothing but problems. They keep telling me they don't ...