@-G- Here is the CM table: IndexUnerrored CodewordsCorrectable CodewordsUncorrectable Codewords12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323324041199843061398366266390325726637799152664174802285001528327854988892835815004281821218927967887...
@-G- It is in a pretty good spot, and I don't think it's getting really hot, just warm like you said. I have sent a PM to CommunityHelps, and hopefully they will be able to find some kind of fix, cause our internet has gotten pretty bad.
@-G- I do have a Technicolor XB6, but this is a replacement for our previous hub, which was the white Hitron one. We were having this problem on that one, and power-cycling didn't work on either.The replacement they gave us seemed used and a little ...
Intermittent Ethernet and Wi-Fi disconnects
We have had Ignite 150u since May of this year with no problems. Suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, our Wi-Fi would stop working intermittently and randomly throughout the day, every 5 - 20 mins. The disco...