I appreciate your response but you are just repeating the same thing that we have been told over and over but are missing the point. Rogeres did not need to change the payment due date in order to accept payments as on time when made at the bank on t...
Possibly in a no win situation but they definately had options that would have less impact. Those that were waiting to the day a bill was fo to make a payment did that by choice knowing that it tales time for a payment to post to the account. If you ...
They offered me the same thing and didn't mention anything about prorating my next bill to include the extra week so I asked and thats exactly whatvthey were going to do... i would be billed an extra week on my next bill to move the billing daye forw...
Rogers did not make this change to help the customer. Yes you may now accept payments made on the due date but the reality is that you could have done that without changing the due date. You also could have pushed the due dates forward a week... but ...