This Rogers Hitron unit (CGN2-ROG) has (x9) horizontal coloured indicator lights.The indicator lights will indicate how the modem is actually functioning.
(Example A)When fully operational and connected. (From Right Side --> Left Side)Computer/C...
(Example D)When fully operational and connected. (From Right Side --> Left Side)When a computer (or device) is using WiFi (Connected to the internet)#1) - Solid Green (Circle)#2) - Solid Blue (House Out Connection)#3) - Solid Blue (House In Connectio...
Modem Will Not Stay Connected: Rogers Hitron Modem/WiFi Router (CGN2-ROG)..
For the past (x3) months, my home computer:- Would be very slow when connecting to the internet.- Would also constantly disconnect from the internet.- Always a total con...