Hi,I got so tired of banging my head against a brick wall that I I finally moved my e-mail service to Outlook 2019. As outlined, my research of the problems using POP3, lead me to identify a dud server that could not handle POP3 properly. This fau...
I pinged your domain 'pop.mail.yahoo.com' again today and it never showed any access to the POP3 server Maybe I was wrong when I initially said that server was part of the same pool as pop.nl.rogers.com and broadband.rogers.com. The oth...
Yes, pop.mail.yahoo.com is a domain. I just tested it on 'wormly' and it also worked every time for me. I went back to my Rogers Modem diagnostics and pinged your domain name but it does not show that server is being selected. However, ...
Thank you for verifying what I have been seeing when I run the www.wormly.com website. As you can see, one server ( of the available five never passes the POP3 test. So far no one from Rogers has picked up on our posts and I don't know ...
I couldn't open your image to see the test results. I just access www.wormly.com, then select Tools, and then click on the Test a PoP3 Mail Server link. I enter the hostname: pop.nl.rogers.com, select SSL - Yes, and then click Test this POP3 Server ...