I am struggling to figure out how to bypass my old ADSL splitter and wire the Rogers RJ-11 to a jack and then connect to an existing punch down block. (I would like to use the existing telephone wiring in my home.)
The Bell punch down uses th...
Just one last note;TIP is usually RED and RING should be GREEN. In the photo you will notice the Bell LINE coming into the splitter uses White for TIP and Blue for RING, yet the output from the spliter, PHONE lines are TIP = Red and RING = Green? Wa...
Hi Pauly, Yes !! You are correct! That jack was for an alarm panel. Good eyes! I will ignore it.I never knew they were different than a standard baseboard jack !! That's why it didn't work... Great so then I need to:1) Disconnect the White and Blue (...
Hi Pauly, While I appreciate the reply, what I might have neglected to mention is that I need to keep the Ignite modem (hub) near my phone lines since this is where my Cable line enters the home. I have disabled the WiFi on the modem and use an ethe...