Thanks I actually found that 2 days ago while I was in queue for a Live Chat with someone in Loyalty. Even though I provided the actual link on the Rogers site, she claimed she couldn't make that change. All I could supposedly do was keep my same pac...
Understood. Since I also have a 13-year-old car as my main transportation, I get the risk. Unfortunately Ignite is not a cost-effective solution for our household. Maybe being able to downsize the digital TV portion will make it possible to keep Roge...
There's certainly a hard-sell on Ignite no matter which department you talk with but as I understand it Rogers is obligated (as per CRTC) to allow existing Digital TV customers to upgrade/downgrade or otherwise change packages. But they certainly don...
Am happy with Digital TV as think we could probably downgrade from our current Premier package. Problem is that I can't seem to find any info. on the Rogers site for the supposed other packages that are still being honored -- starter, select and popu...