Weird as I have a non XL and although initially it was a pain to get WiFi calling to work, it now works 100% (ok maybe 99%) of the time. When it doesn't work it's usually that my internet is down or that there indeed is an issue with the router or mo...
Exactly this. Also my experience and FYI, I genuinely think WiFi Call was never supported on OG Pixel as I had it and was able to get VoLTE to work (after calling to get IMEI Whitelisted) but the WiFi Call toggle was grayed out and always had been in...
So bumping this thread as since the last carrier services update (10-Jan-2019) I have been having a lot of issues with LTE data and ended up losing VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling... It was working fine for the past 2 months but now, I am no longer IMS = Reg...
And I confirm that WiFi Calling now works for me.After seeing VoLTE worked figured I'd give it another shot. While NOT being logged on to a WiFi netowrk (only LTE), I was able to flip the switch for Wi-Fi calling to "ON" and then got prompted with a ...