@nasa25 My Apple Watch is connected now. I just randomly looked in my watch app today and saw some data used. And checked and its connected. I guess rogers is figuring stuff out?
@nasa25 Yeah i unlinked it in the manage rogers account page. clicked back to set up cellular and it recognized i had a plan, activated but my status is still no connection
@nasa25 I went into my iPhone watch app and click remove rogers plan. At that point rogers says it didnt unlink properly because i didnt log in to the "manage my rogers account" page and unlink it from the portal. So they reset my network settings. ...
@nasa25Yeah, my cellular thing on my watch is white. And in the cellular tab it says Rogers - check mark, status - no connection.Lovely time with Rogers. The guy said he thinks it’s a provisioning problem when I removed the plan this morning trying t...
I got on the phone. they reset my network on the cell. It let me recognize they plan - but now i cant use it. It says i have a rogers plan, but no connection @nasa25