I plan to stick around
since ‎06-28-2015

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After several years of good performance I am now getting very slow download (0.5 MBPS) . Rogers tell me there are no problems in my area and are suggesting the ZTE is gradually failing and needs to be replaced. They claim this is a common problem. I ...
I have connected my hub to a Belkin router's LAN port, set up a static IP address on the router and disabled it's DHCP.  The hub and router work together just fine connected to the internet. I am doing this because I really want to set up the router ...
I have just purchased a Rogers ZTE-MF-279T Rocket Hub (became available Jan 2019) because I want to use it for accessing IP security cameras and monitor a solar power system at our cottage. I have tested it with one IP camera and it works fine. I can...
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