I'm not sure about manipulating the data, but you can grab a copy of all the texts using SMS Backup & Restore: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5yaXRlc2hzYWh1LlNNU0Jh...
Hey RogersGina, The Alcatel Tribe (aka OT-981a) is a low cost Android phone carried by WIND. It's made by Alcatel-Lucent (or TCT Mobile). OH! On my list I forgot to list the Entourage eDGe!
Oh boy, you're going to make me count these things?! Hokay. HTC DreamHTC MagicLG EVE (RIP, washing machine)Samsung Galaxy S CaptivateSamsung Galaxy S Apollo (From the UK)Alcatel Tribe (Fun development device)Samsung Galaxy GIO (Unlocked for Rogers)Sa...
For your PEAP authentication, how are you entering your user credentials? They should be entered as DOMAIN\USERNAME As for the audio split, it is not supported without rooting. On many custom roms you can re-route all ringer signals to the speaker in...