Lets go back to techincal basics and Rogers Gateway in BRIDGE mode:Your router sends a DHCPv6 solicitation message to your ISPs DHCPv6 server, in which it can request options (»datatracker.ietf.org/doc ··· ction-21) like DNS, desired prefix lenght fo...
Thanks @JKnott ….your answer is the correct one … I found an interaction between you and Retired RogersDave that makes it very clear https://communityforums.rogers.com/t5/Archived-Posts/Rogers-IPv6-Status/m-p/376057/highlight/true#M153867 I wish we ...
It now looks like Rogers is allowing a mix of /PD's and I am wondering how does Rogers determine who gets what? Depending on your Gateway Model assigned to your account capabilities My speculation is that its selectable ... i.e. if you do not request...
A blast from the past and a x Rogers techie I had a lot of respect for:https://communityforums.rogers.com/t5/Archived-Posts/Rogers-IPv6-Status/m-p/206950/highlight/true#M153487
There are 16 /64 subnets in a /60 IPv6 networkThere are 256/64 subnets in a /56 IPv6 networkSince 2013 Rogers have been providing /56 to those that needed/wanted that ... so you're say that a architectural change now makes sense? I'm still getting ...