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Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I've been here awhile

I have a Sony Bravia and have not been able to access my music or photos on an external drive connected by USB since Ignite was installed. The access options come in screen, but neither the TV remote nor the Sony remote work on this page.


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Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Hi There 31MB.

Since you are connecting your La Cie External Hard Disk Drive to your Sony Television set's USB Port, you are not going thru Rogers Ignite TV at all, in fact you can even disconnect your Rogers Ignite TV Box and still have your La Cie Hard Disk Drive connected to your TV Set Right? Yes.

So what you need to do is find the Sony Bravia Instructional Owners Manual for your TV model, and find out how to Browse/View/Watch Pictures and Videos from your External Hard Disk Drive connected to your Sony Bravia Television Set.

View solution in original post


Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
How is the external usb drive connected? Is it connected directly to your Sony Brava TV via its onboard usb port? Or are you connecting your usb drive direcly to your rogers ignite modems usb port and accessing it via DLNA? When you access it are you using the ignite tv menus to sesrch for it or the Sony Brava tv menus to find it? Thanks please answer this info as you forgot to include it in your original post so we cant help answer it unless you give us more info.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I've been here awhile
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Sorry for the delayed response, I'm new to this and thought I'd get an email.

The external drive is connected directly to the TV. I couldn't find a way to access it through Ignite menus. A screen with options to view music, videos, photos pops-up when I turn the drive on (its a La Cie external drive, and the screen that pops-up is its own software). I don't know a lot about these things, so please let me know if you need more info.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
Hi There 31MB.

Since you are connecting your La Cie External Hard Disk Drive to your Sony Television set's USB Port, you are not going thru Rogers Ignite TV at all, in fact you can even disconnect your Rogers Ignite TV Box and still have your La Cie Hard Disk Drive connected to your TV Set Right? Yes.

So what you need to do is find the Sony Bravia Instructional Owners Manual for your TV model, and find out how to Browse/View/Watch Pictures and Videos from your External Hard Disk Drive connected to your Sony Bravia Television Set.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I've been here awhile
Thank you! I'll try to figure it out that way. Neither remote works with that page, so thought Ignite being set-up was preventing the Sony remote from working.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

If this was working before, then you should be able to access the drive the same way you did before you had Ignite - and that's with the TV's remote and by "switching" to the correct input on the TV, per the TV's operating manual.  The drive and material on the drive needs to be compatible with the TV's firmware and that should also be outlined in the operating manual for your TV.


It's possible that the USB connector is not making a good connection, so unplug/replug that connector at both ends a few times to get rid of any oxidation that may be present and also make sure that the drive is on/plugged in if necessary.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I've been here awhile
Thanks again for all your help!!

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I plan to stick around

I have a similar problem...


Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am an Ignite TV/Internet/Home Phone customer with the Ignite modem/router and 3 TV boxes (ethernet connected).


I also have an older D-Link 825 router connected as a simple switch to provide additional ethernet connections to PC, printer etc.  I have connected a USB hard drive to the USB port on the D-Link 825 but can not see it or access it. I have tried to access the D-Link log-in and setup but keep getting timed out in my browser . I checked the D-Link IP address in the Ignite router where it indicates "".  Prior to going to the Ignite package, the D-Link IP address was I have tried both of those IPs but timing out in my Chrome and Edge browsers. I would like to get access to the USB drive. Any solutions?  Are there settings in the Ignite router that need to be changed?  What gives?

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I'm a trusted contributor

More questions than answers, but a suggestion:

- is the D-Link connected to the Ignite Gateway with an ethernet cable?

- is the printer working and how is it connected to the D-Link?

- how are you trying to access the USB drive, e.g., Explorer on a PC?

- have you tried rebooting the D-Link (power off/on)?

- are you using the D-Link to extend wifi or just additional ethernet ports?

Although it sound like you have just moved the D-Link from the old router to the Ignite Gateway, it may need to be refreshed (reboot). Also it would be best if you connected a PC directly to the D-Link via an ethernet cable and then try to access its menu from a browser to confirm that it is configured as an access point.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Likely what is happening here, is that you are now pretty much setting up TWO networks.
If the 825 has all of its features on (DHCP, etc), its creating its own network.
So it gets its WAN connection from the regular ignite network, at, which is how you would try to access the router. (assuming it allows setup connections from the WAN side)
It is then running its own network, probably running at 192.168.0.X.

An easy way to confirm this would be with a wired device.
One plugged into the ignite would get a 10.0.0.X address, and one into the dlink would get a 192.168.0.X address.
Anything then plugged in through that router, etc would be FINE to print to the printer.. but anything outside (just off the ignte) would not.

Now its not to say, you cant necessarily still use that.
Its pretty old, so likely does not support a full AP mode.
So what you would want to do, is disconnect it fully from the ignite.  Plug in wired to the dlink and browse to its config.  Go in there and TURN OFF DHCP on it.  Have it stop rolling out addresses.
Then, plug it back into the ignite network, but NOT in the WAN port, but into one of the LAN ports.
This way it will act like a simple switch, with the added functionality with the USB

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I plan to stick around


So far, still not working.


To your questions -


- is the D-Link connected to the Ignite Gateway with an ethernet cable?

  • YES


- is the printer working and how is it connected to the D-Link?

  • YES it works, printer is wifi connected to Ignite Gateway


- how are you trying to access the USB drive, e.g., Explorer on a PC?

  • YES, plus plan to use backup apps.


- have you tried rebooting the D-Link (power off/on)?

  • YES

- are you using the D-Link to extend wifi or just additional ethernet ports?

  • It is connected from the Ignite Gateway by ethernet cable to a switch provided by Rogers then to one of the LAN ports on the DLink with ethernet cable.  Just used as additional ethernet ports, not using it for wifi. See additional configurations tried for USB and menu/setup access below.

Although it sound like you have just moved the D-Link from the old router to the Ignite Gateway,

  • YES.  It was previously connected via ethernet cable to LAN port from Hitron Gateway and USB worked fine then and allowed network access to USB memory stick.  I figured same would be true down stream from Ignite Gateway, but no USB access.

it may need to be refreshed (reboot).

  • YES, I have done this a few times.  I have not yet tried a reset to factory defaults however.  I do not want to screw up the switch capability since I need the extra ethernet ports.

Also it would be best if you connected a PC directly to the D-Link via an ethernet cable and then try to access its menu from a browser to confirm that it is configured as an access point.

  • I have connected desktop PC to the DLink by ethernet cable directly to the WAN port (did not work) and again, separately, to a LAN port (did not work) with the DLink also disconnected from Ignite Gateway, connected to Ignite Gateway into DLink WAN port (didn't work) then connected to Ignite Gateway into DLink LAN port (didn't work).

Would reset to factory defaults do the trick?  Keep in mind that I must have the additional ethernet ports in switch mode.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I plan to stick around

Hi, thanks for your feedback.  To your suggestions -


So what you would want to do, is disconnect it fully from the ignite.  Plug in wired to the dlink and browse to its config.

  • Tried this via multiple wired ethernet configurations with and without the Ignite Gateway connected.  Browser is not connecting to the DLink.  It times out or can not connect to the IPs I try (198.162.0.nnn or 10.0.0.nn)

  Go in there and TURN OFF DHCP on it.  Have it stop rolling out addresses.

  • Impossible due to above road block.

Then, plug it back into the ignite network, but NOT in the WAN port, but into one of the LAN ports.

Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.


Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I'm a trusted contributor

Disconnect it from the Ignite Gateway. Connect your PC via ethernet cable to one of the LAN ports on the D-Link. The PC Task Bar should indicate that it is LAN connected without internet access. Run ipconfig from a Command Prompt to get the IP address of the Default Gateway (it should likely be Now use a Browser to connect to that address. This should give you the login page for the router.

Once you have this solved go back to connecting it to the Ignite Gateway, and report your results.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I plan to stick around


I have tried the connection sequence as you suggested.  Ran ipconfig and got an IP that is somewhat unexpected - (using letters to obscure actual ipconfig displayed).


Same problem, i.e. "Page can't be found" and "No webpage was found for the address:"


Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I'm a senior contributor

@Avid- wrote:


I have tried the connection sequence as you suggested.  Ran ipconfig and got an IP that is somewhat unexpected - (using letters to obscure actual ipconfig displayed).


Same problem, i.e. "Page can't be found" and "No webpage was found for the address:"


Is that the GATEWAY ip?   or your computer ip?   You want to do the http to the GATEWAY.


But this looks SO weird, that I would press the "reset" button on the router, and go through the setup all over again.

If it were me.



Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I'm a senior contributor



By "GATEWAY", I mean the IPCONFIG response.  In that response, there will be a "gateway" ip listed.


Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

I plan to stick around

I was using a jump drive with my Sony Bravia to access photo and home videos. Today I got Rogers Ignite, I change the input like I always did, the videos show on the screen put I can’t access them with the Ignite remote! Why?

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

were you able to with the previous rogers remote?
I know the remote, especially the ignite ones, only cover basic functions.. power, volume, etc for the TV.


Generally those sorts of input changes for the TV, need to be done from the TV remote itself.

Re: Access USB drive despite Rogers Ignite

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@WWCool wrote:  ...I change the input like I always did, the videos show on the screen put I can’t access them with the Ignite remote! Why?

Yes, the Ignite TV remote does allow you to change inputs on most TVs through repeated presses of the input button. It also will control volume (up/down, mute) and on/off.  However, that's all the functionality that it has regarding TVs. This is because it doesn't have the dedicated "TV" button at the top which would allow for additional functionality like your legacy remote.  You will need to use your TV remote for that sort of functionality, or a programmable remote that can handle all your devices.  Unfortunately that sort of remote would not have voice control like the IgniteTV remote, so you're probably stuck using at least two different remotes whenever doing things other than watching IgniteTV.

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