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3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I'm here a lot

I have been using our new 3G27WVR rocket hub (replacing the earlier 3G25WVR) for a few days now and I am constantly losing connection to the device itself.  My computer is wired to the LAN ethernet port of the hub.


I enter to view the hub interface and it brings up several pages of device status and settings.  However, after about 4-6 hours, the browser can no longer communicate with the hub.   It has happened once or twice per day now and the only recourse is to perform a power cycle of the hub itself.  After that, it's fine for a few more hours.


Although I cannot reach, other web pages (and mail) operate normally so I know the link to the internet is working..  However, no other computer can connect to the hub after this communication stops (either wirelessly or through the other ethernet port).


I left the device logs on the last time I reset the device and received the following:


Dec 25 13:39:57 rocket syslogd started: BusyBox v1.12.1
Dec 25 13:41:06 rocket local5.err rdbmgr-tpl[2077]: script returned failure


Then nothing.


I checked the Netcomm site and I believe I have the latest f/w version.


I suspect a hub problem but perhaps I have some setting that is causing this.  I have not yet tried Rogers tech support but thats the next step if no one on the forum has a solution.









***Edited labels***


Re: 3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I'm an advisor



as you describe the problem you are having, it seems unlikely that there is some RocketHub setting which could cause this behaviour.


When the problem occurs, can you "ping" the router address from your PC?  Go to command prompt and type in "ping".  You should see something like the following if the basic IP connection to the router is still functioning:



Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=96ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 96ms, Average = 25ms



From your problem description it sounds like you still have basic IP communications with the Netcomm router.  If so, then perhaps there is an internal issue with the Netcomm management interface, dhcp server and perhaps other stuff.


I suggest you begin by resetting the Netcomm to factory defaults, and trying again.  If that does not correct the problem, you may have a faulty Netcomm device and need to talk to Rogers about a replacement.


Good luck.




Re: 3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

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Re: 3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

Thank you for the help.  Yes, I can ping and even use the internet.  It just seems like the communication manager in the hub crashes.  The main problem is that after this crash, no other computer can connect to the hub until it is power cycled.


I will try restoring to factory default and see what happens then call tech support if that doesn't work.  Maybe I do have a faulty unit.



Re: 3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I received a new 3G27WVR the other day but  unfortunately the same problem is occurring.  I don't know if anyone else is seeing this issue but it must be related to the firmware or settings.  It might be a memory leak in the software as it works for a period of time before losing connection to the unit's web manager and locking out any other computer.  Until the problem is resolved, it requires 2 or 3 power resets a day.


As for settings, I basically use the factory default except I changed the second Ethernet port to "LAN" from its default setting of "WAN" to allow a hard-wired connection to another computer.  A couple of other computers use wireless to connect.


Looks like more calls to tech support will be needed.  In our location, there is very little choice for connectivity - either satellite or Rogers hub.



3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I've been here awhile

I was trying out a 3G27WV-R and got really poor through-put performance (download speeds of 1.5 megabits per second -sometimes a little higher sometimes lower) in down-town Toronto where I expected performance to be about as good as it gets.


I eliminated all the typical possibilities:

-plugged the PC directly into the hub with Ethernet cable to eliminate WiFi issues

-made sure the cell signal was rated by the device as excellent to eliminate signal strength issues

-used the speed test website recommended by Rogers to eliminate

-tried speed tests at different times of the day, different days, both weekends and weekdays to eliminate odd readings

-tried it with a different computer to eliminate more of this


I called tech support who had no further suggestions other than to log a ticket to check the local tower.   After a 2 month wait they replied that there were no issues with the cell tower I was connecting to.  Tech support strangely could not analyze my signal with a diagnostic to see what the problem was when I was connected.  In short, they had no answers, and had no further suggestions.  They took no ownership of the problem at all.


I did try their LET device, but had signal problems.  The same "excellent signal - bad through-put" problems that the 3G27 had surfaced for the LET device (Sierra Hotspot) when I switched it over to the 3G network.  I finally gave up and returned the hardware.  


I would like to try again on the off-chance that what-ever the problem was, it's gone away.  However, I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same sort of performance problems, and/or could suggest any other solution or trouble-shooting worth trying if I find the problem is still around.  I was expecting performance around the 6 megabit per second range.  Am I being naive?


Thanks, Frustrated and Confused: Smiley MadSmiley Frustrated

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I'm a reliable contributor

You have to wonder about this one.   In the Toronto area there seems to be a Rogers tower every block.  No doubt there is no problem with your device, its the towers and over crowding.  Keep calling and asking them to check the signal/tower unless you intend to jump to another isp provider.

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub



I have had my experiences with a Rogers RocketHub over the last nearly three years (an Ericsson W35).  And I have read countless tales of woe from Rogers customers in this Forum.  I have also been exposed to the constant over-hyping by Rogers marketing of basically all of their products and services.  So I am really, really reluctant to put an unreserved recommendation on any approach that involves Rogers.

Yeah, I'm very cynical, I agree.  But, once burned, twice shy.  The only reason many of us are still here as Rogers customers is purely a lack of competition in this market place, and hence a dearth of consumer choice.


To begin with, you recount conversations with Rogers technical support on this issue.  I'm not sure you can trust them to take your problem seriously, as you found out.  There are exceptions, in my experience but most Rogers telephone support staff seem to be like this.


But, enough of my ranting, and on to your issue: have you considered trying the Hitron RocketHub which Rogers also offers.  It is an LTE-capable device, and is supposed to give you higher throughput.


Another thing you can do is take your RocketHub and PC to another location with good cellular coverage, and try it there.  That would be one way to confirm if the problem is your local Rogers cell tower, or something else.  Take the whole setup to a friend's place, for example, and try it.  Or take it to work for a day, and check it out at lunch time.


If you were to purchase a Hitron, you could actually take a laptop to the Rogers store, from which you take delivery of the device and try it right there!


Good luck and let us know how it works out.




3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I've been here awhile

Thanks for your reply skinorth.  I'll probably give it another try in April, and let you know how it works out.  Cheers, JAS567

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I've been here awhile

Thanks for your reply Eddy.  I too think the problem is likely over-crowding on the tower, and Rogers is not willing to admit this.  I might try another provider, but I suspect I might be jumping from the fat into the fire.  We'll see.  Cheers, JAS567

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Overcrowding happens an both wired and wireless, especially in densely populated areas :(. Literally all they can do to stop it is STOP selling to new people when they reach capacity, but that would mean loosing potential more money, and they bank on not everyone being on at the same time.

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub



you state that: "...all they can do to stop it is STOP selling to new people when they reach capacity...".  Are you sure that is really true?


It would seem to me that there is a relatively simple mechanism at work here:


The job of the marketing department is to market products/services.


The job of the sales department is to sell those products and services.


The job of the network management department is to manage available network resources effectively.  This includes both short-term corrective actions as well as identifying longer-term performance/capacity issues which impact the ability to deliver contracted network services to customers.


The job of the engineering department is to plan and implement network expansions based on corporate requirements and to meet performance/capacity issues identified by the network management department.


Of course it could be caused by the bean counters/executives who won't resource the work required and would rather spend the big bucks to buy up major league sports teams than to meet their contractual obligations to their customers.


So who's not doing their job here? Only someone inside the organization can know for sure.  From the outside, we, as customers certainly have reason to be concerned!


Particularly when you take into account that we in Canada pay some of the highest cell and internet access fees in the world!


You tell me what's going on.




3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I plan to stick around

I would like to share my Rogers experience with variable throughput on my Rocket Hub. My download speeds vary from 6 megabits per second to my not being able to load a Google search page. I draw my signal from one cell tower that is located on the top of a ski resort which can accommodate up to 15,000 tourists daily, all of whom happily carry mobile devices and who expect to post ski videos on YouTube between runs. There is no doubt that the service is over-subscribed and that the hub owners get kicked off the network during periods of excessive traffic. The complaint game thus begins with Rogers.  May I first state that as we have a contractual obligation to pay our bills, so does Rogers have a contractual obligation to provide a minimal level of service.  

Within the context of the above, I have done the following to obtain better value for service from Rogers…

-          I have consolidated my Rogers wireless internet account with my Rogers cell phone account in order to negotiate a ‘Better Choice Bundle’ monthly credit for multiple services.

-          I always contact the Retention Department when I have a service or billing issue. Retention is staffed by senior customer reps that are generally polite and willing to help in order to retain customers. In addition, you can address your issues within the same department since wireless internet and cell phones are considered wireless products and are handled by the same group. Retention is accessible via a separate phone number with a simple menu choice of language, and voila, a real live person appears within thirty seconds.

-          I always record an interaction ID number and the name of the rep for future follow-up.

When throughput on the hub drops or becomes excessively slow, I always contact technical support.

-          Once the speed problem is relayed and the antenna location identified, tech support will assign a service ticket number beginning with ‘c’. Often the ticket will be escalated to a level  2 technician who will call back, normally within 3 days, with a follow-up on the issue of whether it’s hardware related or traffic related.  And yes, Rogers techs have network utilities to monitor traffic and throughput.

-          After the service ticket is closed, I re-contact Retention and relay the problem with the service ticket number, and I always receive a ‘courtesy credit’ equivalent to the 50% of the monthly billing fees. Thus is the cycle of life with Rogers. 

I have completed my emotional journey of anger, denial and acceptance with Rogers. I know that Rogers’ service will not improve since the level 2 and 3 techs have confirmed that there are no infrastructure upgrades projected in my region. I have also said farewell to Inukshuk  Wimax  with unlimited download limits for a mere $40/month. In all, my glass remains half full knowing that I’m not contractually bound to the competition whose upper management has subcontracted all customer service to India and beyond…

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I've been here awhile

Thanks for the detailed reply Bert.  By the way, I like your Avatar.  I've always got a kick out of Dr Who.  Your point about using Rogers Customer Retention is an interesting one, which I haven't tried.  Is the retention number 1-888-936-7283?  I thought I'd give them a try.


You mentioned that Rogers has a contractual obligation to provide a minimum level of service.  In looking at the contract, I'd say there is no contractual obligation to provide a minimum service at all, although I would agree that they have a moral obligation, given the fact that, as you point out, we must pay the stipulated amount each month.  This I think is at the heart of the poor performance.  By the way, I have made a submission to the upcoming CRTC hearing on a Wireless Code of Conduct, making this very point.  I hope that others seeing this will do the same.  The more voices and the louder they are, the more attention we'll get.  Just check out the CRTC website and follow the links.  The deadline for submissions is coming up soon.  It only takes a few minutes to make a submission online.


Cheers, J

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Unfortunately JAS is right... from the contract and the ToU/ToS document, they really dont have a level of service required.
Pretty much a blanket "we cant guarantee it will work all the time" statement. 😞

But really its not that uncommon.  Not saying that its RIGHT.. but its not uncommon.  And im not talking just about internet, wireless.

If you take a look at just about any piece of software, a game (specialy one that has online stuff on servers, etc)... and look at the ToU/ToS document... it pretty much says, that they do not guarantee any level of service.  It could be down 99% of the time, and by agreeing to that document.. you agree that that could be the case 😞

The only things that tend to over-ride these documents, are places/things with SLA's (service level agreements).  IE say with symantec here at work, we pay ALOT for support yearly.  But it also provides us with an SLA which a non support paying person doesnt have.  It guarantees that they will call us back in X many hours, have it resolved hopefuly in another amount, etc.

Most standard home based services, DONT have this 😞  I think, the BUSINESS rogers internet, might, but you pay ALOT more for it vs the standard residential.


Not saying its an EASY thing to do.  You can have a tech, engineer, network management person say "we are full!" till they are blue in the face, but if upper management wants to keep signing more people on to make money..  there is not much they can do.
I would hope the network management people know of alot of the problems going on... but the fix can be just as much of a problem Tech="We are having this issue" management="what needs to be done?" tech="Oh we  need to install another tower, infrastructure, etc, it will cost 2million" management="LOL, NO.."  sort of thing.


Unfortunately, in SO many companies, the upper end, are GREAT business men, GREAT at making money.. but know NOTHING of how the technology works, etc.. that they only see the $$ in the end.  The companies which do the best at supporting the needs, fixing the problems, are ones that KNOW The technology while running the company.

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I plan to stick around

In response to JAS567, the telephone number for Retention in the Montreal area is 514-734-7873. The call is routed to Ontario where their personnel are physically located. Worst case for Ontario customers is to make a brief, long distance call and ask for a local number once connected. 

In response to GDkitty… you are right, and how could I have been so naïve !! Just checked our corporate MSA (master service agreement), and I cut and past the most salient paragraphs…

Customer acknowledges that the Services are subject to transmission limitations caused by atmospheric or topographical conditions or equipment failures beyond the reasonable control of Rogers. The Services may be temporarily refused, interrupted or curtailed due to governmental regulations or orders, system capacity limitations or equipment modifications, upgrades, reallocations, repairs, maintenance and similar activities necessary for the proper operation of the Services.




Customer will be charged for all data usage sent through Rogers’ network regardless of whether the Devices actually receive the information. Compression may impact the total amount billed to Customer’s account.  Rogers’ network may resend data packets to ensure complete delivery and Customer will be billed for these resent packets.  Customer agrees that to the extent there is any dispute as to the amount of data transmitted to and from a Device in a particular
period of time then the amount of data transmitted as determined by Rogers’ billing system shall govern.


Ouch... I doubt that the contractual wording for the regular, non-corporate consumer will be much different.

3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub



you understand and know it.  I understand and know it.  But does the Canadian public at large understand?  I doubt it.




Re: 3G27WVR - Constantly Losing connection to the rocket hub

I've been around

The same thing has happened to me.  I had constant connectivity problems, people not being able to reach me, etc like you, and they got me a new rocket hub.  Same problems.  I am cancelling my service as it obviously doesn't work well.

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