Will Rogers Mastercards get Expensify integration?
... Not holding my breath since there isn't a) no mobile app that works offline and b) no apple/android pay support
**Added Labels***
Isn’t this the Rogers community forum? Why isn’t the Rogers bank part of this? Are the product managers at Rogers bank not interested in feedback? Or is this a Rogers company by name only? (In which case I think there is a brand identity problem...)
@mozerdold wrote:The following Wiki article explains why specifically:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogon_filtering yea, for inbound layer 2/3 fw rules you might include those 13 ipv4 cidr blocks. I wouldn't block them for outgoing though - for exact...
@mozerdold wrote: My current blacklist is blocking over 600 million IP addresses .... and I totally forgot to consider the cable modem as an exception. Why are you blocking unroutable IP blocks? those are reserved by the IANA. outbound IP blacklistin...
@stepy2015 wrote:How did you create the chron job?Here's the script I use for rebooting the modem programatically:#!/bin/sh
curl -d "user=$USERNAME&pws=$PASSWORD" -c rogers.txt ...
Same. Every few days the interface stops responding and I've experienced degraded performance. I've created a cron job now that reboots the modem nightly to work around this. yay?