@Datalink So today, even with the black-dot, I've come to a low speed situation, and disabling 2.4Ghz does not help in this case. I'm currently getting 8 Mbps DL / 50 Mbps UL. I know if I reboot my modem then it'll go back, for a few days. @RogersDav...
@Datalink I waited just so that I can give you my results: Downstream Overview Port IDFrequency (MHz)ModulationSignal strength (dBmV)Channel IDSignal noise ratio (dB)1669000000256QAM3.2001940.9462561000000256QAM2.300240.9463567000000256QAM2.600340.3...
@Datalink Information is pasted: Downstream Overview Port IDFrequency (MHz)ModulationSignal strength (dBmV)Channel IDSignal noise ratio (dB)1669000000256QAM2.9001940.9462561000000256QAM2.300240.9463567000000256QAM2.500340.3664573000000256QAM2.500440....
@Datalink wrote:@gbssengo can you pull the power from the modem and then plug it back in to force a modem restart. If that temporarily resolves the situation, I suspect that @RogersDave will advise you to swap the modem. If you do end up swapping t...
@hptouchdroid13 wrote: Here is my speedtest. I just got the CODA yesterday and it got .19 firmware last night. Lucky you. This is mine. on firmware .19