So i got upgraded from Rogers 1 GB Plan to 1.5 Plan
Rep is saying the modem i have below is good to give 1.5 Gbps speed as i am planning to upgrade my network adapter and cables for 1.5 Gbps. Are we sure i dont need to swap the modem ?
HW Versi...
I got this announcement in my feed today.
Has anyone ordered this ? is there a beta firmware testing group for this modem ?
Also @-G- One more question and sorry to bother you ! So i have set this modem in Bridge and using my router for DHCP. Is it true that the other three ports in the modem is now useless ? with XB6 i was still able to use the second port while in Brid...
Thanks Tech came and swapped for XB7 and right away saw Usenet speeds went up to 800mbps ! Does any one what FW we should be on for XB7 ? eMTA & DOCSIS Software Version: Image Name:TG4482SV6_5.2p19s1_PROD_seyAdvanced Services:TG44...