In January 2024 will you be crediting Rogers back because your payment will be due on January 28 2024 instead of January 4?
You are paying one month in advance for service.......
So if you billing date happens to be later in the month then t...
57...WRONGDo the math.Before May the old billing cycleMy last payment was on the May 4th.... my next payment would be on June 4th, next payment would be July 4th..etc etc.So before my payment due date wereJan 4th, Feb 4th Mar 4th, Apr 4th, May 4th, J...
For those that don't understand the "Rogers" explanation...let me simplyfy what Rogers is doing....Rogers is pleased to offer a Price Increase but in a much more hidden way than normal.57,,,if you don't believe the doesn't lie. Ev...
I have spoken to Rogers and have requested a talk with the Office of the President (not sure if that is another deaf ear to make us feel good) but it was explained that payment is due 21 days after the billing date. For example ie. if your billing d...
Rogers has changed the billing cycle from 30 days down to 21 days. This means every two months you will have to be pay your Rogers bill two times per month. Prior your rogers rate is based on a monthly rate of 12 payments per year.....Now you are ...