I also get the same Lost MDD "warning" minimum once per day:84020200: Lost MDD Timeout;CM-MAC;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; I also get a "critical":82000200: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out; Not sure what that means message means either.
Not sure if anybody else is experiencing this issue, but my upload is very unstable ever since the switch to Docsis 3.1. On Docsis 3.0, I use to get 32mbps consistently, but since the upgrade, it's sporatic and barely gets to 20mbps, most times avera...
@RogersDave Thanks for the update! I just received it, will provide feedback on any issues that may still be outstanding. Currently though, I am running in bridge mode, rather than router mode, I will re-test router mode when .21 comes out with the...
Thanks for responding, so prior I did not connect through the 3552, I used the 3552 in bridge mode, so that was not tested, I connect through my own router. However, after upgrading to the 4582, i wanted to give the new one a try and hope it was bett...
I"ve been fine before, previous with the 3552 i ran it in bridge mode, and connected my wireless bridge via two Linksys WRT1900AC, which I currently am doing right now, and it's fine. But AS SOON AS i connect via the 4582, the Windows shares start ha...