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Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I'm here a lot

How can I manage/monitor the bandwidth usage on individual devices using my ZTE Rogers Hub?


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Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

This post:


gives information about the mobile data usage shown on the Rogers website.  The main points are:


1. data usage shown on the Rogers webpage is USUALLY only updated once per day. On the first day of a new billing cycle the end of month cycle total is shown for a short time and then usually wiped out and shows 0 GB for the new billing cycle.

2. the data usage shown is the current billing cycle total at midnight last night (or 00:00 today).  That is, the total shown for today, December 6, is the total as of midnight December 5 (or 00:00 Dec 06). 

3. The time zone is the zone for the Rogers main router serving your account(as per Rogersmoin's post in the above mentioned thread).

4. The usage readings for the Rogers MF275R router consistently agree with the Rogers website daily readings and they also agree with the detailed daily reading shown on the monthly Rogers bill.


 I use the Rogers MF275R's data reading to monitor my usage near the end of the billing cycle to unintentionally going from the 50GB to 100GB of the Flex Hub plan (which costs +$35).  If we are close to our limit we avoid updating computer, tablet, and phone software, and defer watching videos to the next billing cycle.  Conversly, if there is lots of room we update all our devices and download videos, etc.


To synchronize my MF275's counters with the Rogers usage data I reboot the router early on the first day of a new billing cycle, before we have used much traffic.  The Rogers midnight data reading and the MF275's early morning readings are usually very close (within 0.1 GB) after that.  For example, my billing cycle ends on the 28th.  So early on the 29th, I reboot the MF275R to reset the counters so they are close to the Rogers website reading.


If you forget to reboot the MF275 at the start of the billing cycle you can do it early any day(before using much data that day) and record the difference between the Rogers website total GB which will be as of 00:00 that day.  Then you can still get an accurate of your actual usage for the billing cycle by adding that difference to the MF275's current reading.


I am using the Rogers ZTE MF275R hub.  If you are using a different hub much of this post is irrelevant.Smiley Happy


View solution in original post


Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?



Hello, @jennyfreak


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! Smiley Happy


Thank for posting your query in the Community. You may be already aware that you can monitor overall data usage by logging into your MyRogers. However, the usage breakdown to the individual device is not available. 


@Community - please chime in with your ideas on this topic. Also inviting @kco to this discussion.




Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I know there are things I can download to help monitor this stuff but I don't think it's compatible with the hubs router. Could I use my old router through the hub?

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

This post:


gives information about the mobile data usage shown on the Rogers website.  The main points are:


1. data usage shown on the Rogers webpage is USUALLY only updated once per day. On the first day of a new billing cycle the end of month cycle total is shown for a short time and then usually wiped out and shows 0 GB for the new billing cycle.

2. the data usage shown is the current billing cycle total at midnight last night (or 00:00 today).  That is, the total shown for today, December 6, is the total as of midnight December 5 (or 00:00 Dec 06). 

3. The time zone is the zone for the Rogers main router serving your account(as per Rogersmoin's post in the above mentioned thread).

4. The usage readings for the Rogers MF275R router consistently agree with the Rogers website daily readings and they also agree with the detailed daily reading shown on the monthly Rogers bill.


 I use the Rogers MF275R's data reading to monitor my usage near the end of the billing cycle to unintentionally going from the 50GB to 100GB of the Flex Hub plan (which costs +$35).  If we are close to our limit we avoid updating computer, tablet, and phone software, and defer watching videos to the next billing cycle.  Conversly, if there is lots of room we update all our devices and download videos, etc.


To synchronize my MF275's counters with the Rogers usage data I reboot the router early on the first day of a new billing cycle, before we have used much traffic.  The Rogers midnight data reading and the MF275's early morning readings are usually very close (within 0.1 GB) after that.  For example, my billing cycle ends on the 28th.  So early on the 29th, I reboot the MF275R to reset the counters so they are close to the Rogers website reading.


If you forget to reboot the MF275 at the start of the billing cycle you can do it early any day(before using much data that day) and record the difference between the Rogers website total GB which will be as of 00:00 that day.  Then you can still get an accurate of your actual usage for the billing cycle by adding that difference to the MF275's current reading.


I am using the Rogers ZTE MF275R hub.  If you are using a different hub much of this post is irrelevant.Smiley Happy


Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Thank you for your reply, that does help a little bit with explaining total usage.  The reason I first inquired was because my usage jumped from 1.5G to 9.4G in one day - how on earth could this possibly happen? We don't do online gaming, we didn't watch any youtube videos, and my Netflix is set to the lowest quality setting so it should only be using .3G per hour (weonly have 1 tv). I think it would be helpful if I could see what device is using what. I know there are programs you can download (i.e. tomato?) to monitor this kind of thing, but I don't think it's compatible with the hub's router, so I wanted to know if I could actually plug my old router into the hub's router and use that instead, so that I can use this (tomato) software and see just who is using all the data.

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?


Hello, @jennyfreak


We have quite a few members in our Community using 3rd party router with their ZTE modems. The process should be the same with a slight variance depending on the modem/router. The instructions are listed in this post.




Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

jennyfreak, are you running Windows 10 and, if so is the option to allow updating other computers on the internet turned off? I ask because I experienced abnormal traffic September 22 and 23 this year. Here is a screenshot of the spreadsheet I used to track our usage:




I happened to check early on September 23 and noticed an abnormally high volume. As well, the traffic was still heavy even though we were not doing anything. I am quite sure it was the Windows 10 "feature" that allows your computer to be the update source for other computers outside of your network. Earlier in the year we got our first Windows 10 computer (updating from Vista) and I THINK I turned that feature off. We got another Windows 10 computer that included a free Windows 10 tablet. I thought I had turned that feature off, but perhaps did not. I think I had just enabled the option to allow my computers to update others on my local network. I also disallowed that on both computers and the tablet and the abnormal traffic stopped. However, fairly high usage continued for the next day, but the traffic was much less. I think that traffic was updates coming from Microsoft to my wife's computer and the free tablet. This was the large Windows 10 anniversary update.


It is disappointing that Windows 10 does not allow you to stop all updates unless you pay extra for the Professional version. There are registry workarounds to set the ethernet connection to "metered" and making sure you have the setting that disallows updates over metered connections turned on. But doing so can potentially cause problems with other desirable web traffic if it is following metered connection limitations.


The above snapshot shows how I use the daily checking to manage our end of billing cycle total. At the time this happened my wife was watching the Netflix Homeland series. When we found we were at 46 GB four days before the end of the cycle we cut back our use to finish at 49.7 GB (and this avoided the +$35 for going over 50 GB).


In an earlier billing cycle we finished the cycle at 50.1 GB which added the $35 to our bill. It was due to mistaken information in this forum suggesting our cycle ended at midnight Greenwich Mean Time which is 16:00 for my Pacific Time. So we watched another Netflix movie. Otherwise, we would have ended around 49.7 GB. I called Rogers, explained the reason for my overage (i.e. mistaken information on the Rogers forum), and requested the bill be reduced to the under-50 GB rate. The Rogers lady immediately reduced the bill and gave an additional $20 credit which I had not requested. I consider that excellent customer service.


The Tomato software looks interesting. Are you hoping it will show the contribution of individual computers on your network? I'd be interested to hear how it works out. I unsuccesfully tried developing a Perl script to read data usage from the MF275 (I used to write a lot of Perl but have been retired for 14 years). I think it should be possible. You can actually see the values if you examine the web pages with a right-click. I was mainly trying to get the total data readings but also would have read the signal strength and write them to a file at regular intervals and report any abnormal trends or data usage getting near certain limits. My manual system works OK but it would be more fun to automate it.


I'm interested to hear if others have written scripts to read the MF275 data or if they have suggestions how it can be done. It might be a good puzzle for the coming winter days.


Keep us posted if you do implement the 2nd router solution.



Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I've been here awhile

MF275 Rocket hub current data issue


Hi need some help. My Hubs current data for the month seems to show about 25% less data than Rogers daily total.

I currently show about 23 gb on the monthly usage on the hub and rogers total as of last night is 28.53 gb.  Seems a lot more than a little error


Are the dates for reset offset from Rogers and if so how do I reset total on the Hub??  (Hub reset only changes the current online total) ( a factory reset on the billing date ???)


Coincidentally my data was suspended for $50 overage at about 20gb on the hub and 26gb on Rogers record all sound a little fishy to me. 20gb would be right since I jumped to the $110 level from initial $60.


Side issue no notice other than an SMS to the hub that it was cut off --- are you kidding.  Lost my ability to call 911 or other emergency call on my VOIP without notice and no way to fix it.

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Hello @colinrobertwern,


Thank you for your post and Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


I know how frustrating it can be when you lose your connection to the Internet especially when you rely on it for your VOIP service.


We may need to gain access to your Rocket Hub account to see what could have caused this. Please send us a private message @CommunityHelps the next time you're online and we can take a closer look. For more information on our private messaging system check out our blog.



Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Oh its okay I know why it was cut off  CRTC'S mandated $50 overage. The real problem is Rogers has no way to handle it yet. My real question was why my hub shows so much less data than Rogers says I used, makes it impossible to even monitor it and avoid next months cutoff when I cross $50 overage. Wondering if the Hub and Rogers are using different dates and if so is there a way to align them

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Thank you for your reply @colinrobertwern!


Do you keep track of your usage using the tool within the Hub or via MyRogers?

If you do so using the Rocket Hub settings, you may want to make sure the data resets at the same time as your billing cycle.


If you'd like us to help accelerate the process in the resolution of this issue, please send us a PM as indicated in our post above. We'd like to assist you!



Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

ZTE hub MF275R


Is it possible to have a daily data limit on the set up of the hub. 

AThank you

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Hello @allanwross,


Welcome to our Community Forums :).


With how easily video streaming can eat up your data usage, I can definitely appreciate your question. 


We do have the Wireless Data Manager available to customers on a Share Everything plan (Find more info here), however, regrettably it is not currently available to our Rocket Hub subscribers. 


I encourage you to provide your feed-back on our Share a Concern page, as this would definitely be valued input!


Kind regards,




Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

Just got my bill and it tells me I used 2.65 GB.Now this is on a Chromebook for about 30 hours

of using Google maps.What would my bill be like if I used it every day.

How is it possible to use that much data in 30 hours of using Google maps.


Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Hello, @jwayne


Thank you for posting your concern in the Community. The data usage can be surprising at times particularly when you least expecting it. 


If the Internet was not used for any other purpose except for maps then it's possible the Chromebook might have been downloading system updates. Also, the other various apps could also check updates and download when your Chromebook gets connected to the Internet. 


You can also try downloading areas and navigate offline to minimize the data usage. 

Thank you for understanding!




Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

Maybe,but I don't have any apps on my Chromebook except Skype,so I don't know how much data Skype uses.

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

From the original Skype to now Microsoft having Skype,how much more data would be running in the background,email,etc.,thus using up much more data than the original Skype program when on your mobile stick/hub.

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Good morning @jwayne!


While we don't typically support Skype related questions, I found the answer for you!


You can find the answer to your question with regards to bandwidth usage on Skype's official site here:




Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

It says not recommended for mobile use.Works fine on mobile for me.I was just thinking it might be why my bill is higher when I have Skype turned on when on my mobile stick.I only use it when I forget my cell phone.

Thanks for the answer link.

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

I plan to stick around

My bill is back to normal,so it must be I had Skype on to much,but there are no other programs like Skype that I know of.

Re: Manage/Monitor Data Usage on Rogers Hub?

Hello, @jwayne


I'm glad your bill is back to normal, thank you for updating the Community. 


I appreciate your contribution and for your help in keeping the community a pleasant place to be.







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