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Poor Mobile Data Speed

I plan to stick around

Rogers continues to provide very inconsistent and slow internet over their 5G service. I pay for a 250 mb/s service. I rarely get over 1 mb/s. Occasionally I may get 50 mb/s so it’s not the location I’m at. When speeds drop to below 1mb/s data is basically nonexistent or useless. Probably due to Rogers poor infrastructure and quest for profit.



***Added Labels***


Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed


Good morning @Gumbey,


Welcome to the Rogers Community and thank you for letting us know of the problematic surrounding slow speeds on your wireless device.


To further assist you, it would be useful if we could obtain more information from you.


When you mention:

very inconsistent and slow internet over their 5G service

Are you referring to Rogers 5G Home Internet or a cellphone connected to the 5G Rogers wireless network?


It would be useful to know the type of the device you're using, as well as an idea of where you're located.


If it is a phone; do you experience slow speeds at one location in particular or is it the same scenario everywhere you use your phone?


Kindly let us to know if you've performed any troubleshooting, since noticing the slow speeds, so we can guide you on the next steps.


Looking forward to your reply!



Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I plan to stick around
I’m using a Iphone 15 pro. Same location connected to 5g.

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Hi @Gumbey, I remember you had posted similar concerns in July as well. We had recommended you to contact our technical support team. We had also advised you to check the network status and report the issue. Did you get a chance to do either of the two? 





Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile
I'm wondering why I only get LTE when I'm paying for 5g this has been going on for weeks now

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Good morning @Sailorjoe!


I am sorry to hear that you're having difficulties with our 5G network. Are you currently getting only an LTE connection at a location where you used to get 5G?


What kind of device are you using? Have you tried rebooting your device to see if that helps at all?




Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile
I have a Samsung p5 I tried rebooting and I'm still only getting lte do you have any other suggestions

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Hi @Sailorjoe ,


Thanks for your response. 🙂


Can you kindly clarify the following so we can assist you further?


- Where are you located? (City and Province)

- Are you unable to get a 5G connection no matter where you are? Or is it only happening in a specific location? 


Thank you,




Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile
I'm downtown Toronto and I don't seem to get 5g anywhere

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Hello @Sailorjoe ,


Thanks for clarifying the location where the issue seems to be happening. 🙂


As long as you have a 5G compatible device and a 5G plan, then you should have access to 5G in areas where it is offered. After checking our 5G Coverage Map, it looks like there should be 5G available there, and I do not see any outages reported at this time. 


I would recommend having a look at this helpful troubleshooting page which includes various steps on how to check for any issues when it comes to connecting to our mobile data network:


Please let us know how it goes!


Thank you,




Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I live in Surrey BC and had same problem. I spoke numerous times to Rogers and they said they have to fix a new tower but i don't know when will it happen. I get 1kbps speed at home.

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile

I like to also highlight persistent network issues my family and I are facing in Surrey, BC. We have five devices (Samsung, iPhone 13, 14, and 15), all showing 5G, but with only 1 or 2 signal bars, making the data speeds painfully slow (often below 25 Mbps). Video streaming is impossible without constant freezing.

It seems that Rogers is either not aware of these issues or is misleading customers by offering 3G performance as 5G. With my contract expiring in December, I am planning to move three family members to a different carrier unless this is resolved.

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Good morning @Coldfire!


Certainly slow data speeds can be cumbersome and I fully understand the pain. 


Are you experiencing slow data speeds and a weak signal absolutely everywhere you take your 5 devices in Surrey or does this mostly happen when you're all at home? Please let us know.




Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile

Hey, I live in GTA and I moved fromTelus to Rogers and bought high speed mobile data 1GBps but sorry to say I am getting speed only 2 mbps . Its very disappointing. Telus data speed was very reliable

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile

Yeah, the Rogers network in my neighbourhood in Burnaby is absolutely horrific.  They have one tower and Telus has 3.  5G is nearly unusable at 1mbps.  Thankfully I can switch to their 3G network which is more reliable.  Thank goodness for 2008 technology!


Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Good morning @MW_45 and @slowmobiledata!


I understand that slow data speeds can be frustrating and highly inconvenient.


Are these slow speed issues happening only at home when you use your device or are they happening absolutely everywhere you carry your device? What troubleshooting have you attempted thus far?



Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile

It’s happening everywhere. All troubleshooting used. Its my worse decision to switch and paying more for plan. Honestly its not high speed data plan. 

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

If it's happening absolutely everywhere, that would indicate a device issue @MW_45. We are not currently experiencing any widespread data issues that would account for this issue following you everywhere. Could you be more specific about the range (in KMs) from your home address you've travelled since you first noticed this issue? If you haven't left your immediate area recently, then the issue is likely localized 


I would like to try inserting your current SIM into another device to see if the issue follows you from device to device. Do you have a spare device or a friend/family member's device you could try this test on?


If not, please try turning off your device, then remove and reseat the SIM card. Check to see if the issue is resolved after the reboot. 


Should you still have issues, please try resetting your network settings next.


If that doesn't work, we'll need to try a factory reset as the final step.



Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I've been here awhile

I've been having the same issues with Rogers for years now. But it's been getting worse to the point I can't load up nor load up speedtest app to test the speed. I spent over 6 hrs on the phone with Rogers' tech support but they only made it worse to the point I can't call out or receive calls. I pay $300/month for 3 cell lines with extremely poor services. It's internet can be 250mbps down to 1mbps within 1 minute at the same location...then randomly no internet at all. put my wife's sim from Telus in my phone and woalahhh 900+mbps. Borrowed a sim with Bell from my friend....and of course; internet speed showed 500+mbps. They just escalated my issues. Hopefully they get someone that can actually communicate in ENGLISH or French fluently and not someone from India or Philippines deal with me this time. Hopefully your issues got worked out; and if it did, can you elaborate what was done to rectify the issue? I just signed another contract with Rogers so I can't run back to Telus. The same plan with Telus cost $45/month with 150gb data vs $95/month from Rogers

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Dks1 wrote: ...Hopefully they get someone that can actually communicate in ENGLISH or French fluently and not someone from India or Philippines deal with me this time. 

Just as an FYI, all Rogers CSRs are located in Multicultural Canada.


Edit - if you're fluent in French, I believe there is usually an option to speak to someone in French when you call in.

Re: Poor Mobile Data Speed

I'm an advisor

Speeds definitely vary based on a lot of factors, including the quality if the modem in the device as one of the many examples. 




Although I haven't had any CSR's I couldn't understand.  Rogers definitely has a diverse staff across Canada.  If you are having a hard time understanding the person you are talking to.  You can always ask politely to speak with another person. 

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