4 weeks ago
- last edited
4 weeks ago
Before Xfinity I had the old hardware cable-TV Box.
I also had a home network consisting og a router, wireless access point, several NAS boxes and multiple wired ethernet connections.
For internet access, I had a cable modem - but serviced by Teksavvy (NOT Rogers). using a Teksavvy provided DHCP.for my router
XFinity was installed on top of that but apparently, if/when it accesses the modem it uses its own DHCP and kick off my router resulting in loss of internet access for my whole setup. I then have to release/renew the DHCP on my router.
Other than the obvious solution (dump XFinity ... it's not a major part of my life) is there anything I can easily do to fix this?
**Labels Updated**
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
(please treat me gently - I know nothing about XFinity)
Thanks for your reply: It sounds encouraging.
The gateway is the big white box with a green light on one side?
I have no idea whether it's in "Gateway Mode" .... how can I tell?
4 weeks ago
(Sorry, "Gateway Mode" should have read "Bridge Mode" )
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
... and yet - as I stated - it is a Teksavvy modem not Rogers.
As for "research" I've been involved in computers ever since Intel produced the 8008/8080 and with the internet ever since it began in the mid-80's. I set my whole network up over many years.
It's just that when you get to 80-something, the brain slows down a bit (alarmingly so sometimes) as you may find out in time.
Not to worry ... I'll talk to the good folks at Teksavvy. Meantime, have a nice weekend.
4 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Rogers knew I was using a Teksavvy modem (I pointed that out to them) when they installed XFinity. Why would they do that if it "requires a Rogers Modem / Gateway"?
According to Teksavvvy their modem is "A Hitron CODA-45 modem which is a modem only device so it would be in Bridge Mode"
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
@sidh wrote:
Rogers knew I was using a Teksavvy modem (I pointed that out to them) when they installed XFinity. Why would they do that if it "requires a Rogers Modem / Gateway"?
Okay but, to them, it just means that you already have Rogers cable Internet coming into your home. Less work for them to do when they activate your service. They don't allow customer-owed modems to be activated on their Xfinity Internet service. Rogers provides you with an Xfinity gateway and they expect you to use it.
According to Teksavvvy their modem is "A Hitron CODA-45 modem which is a modem only device so it would be in Bridge Mode"
Did you purchase the CODA-45 or did Teksavvy provide it to you as a $0 rental?
3 weeks ago