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Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been here awhile

Trying to set up my Rogers e-mail account on Outloook Mobile on Android.

Went to Member Centre, chose Account Information then Authorized Applications.
Clicked Add Another, Named it and clicked Generate.  Keep getting error: Rogers App Error.jpg


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131 REPLIES 131

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been here awhile

And here we are on June 22 and I still have this problem. You?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been here awhile

This problem that was three weeks is now three months. Unless you have had more luck than me in getting a fix?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been here awhile

And 3 weeks has now become 3+ months. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor
Yep. Same ongoing problem that Roger’s refuses to fix. There is an important lesson here. Do not bundle services with one provider. You might well come to regret it, especially with Rogers.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

It seems that someone up there doesn't like me. When I tried to respond to the last email that came after the one above it refused to let me in. I tried using IMAP yesterday but got the usual result - nothing.  

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

Yes. And here is the irony. in Outlook i have 3 Rogers Accounts. 2 of them work, the third i cannot regenerate the password. Go figure!!



Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

has it been fixed?  my problems started in August (early) when Microsoft did an update.  But it's the Rogers email address causing issues.  when i fire up outlook it asks me for my Rogers email creds but then doesn't recognize them.  I don't even have my rogers email address connecting to my outlook!!!  I've uninstalled and reinstalled microsoft 365 - no help, I've deleted all my old outlook profiles and recreated new with just one email address linked to it (a yahoo email), but it still asks me for Rogers creds and keeps going into an endless loop asking for the creds....I don't know why as no rogers account is attached to the profile (by me).  Microsoft says they've fixed all their problems and this is a Rogers issue, Rogers tells me this is a Microsoft issue.  Bottom line, I can't get Outlook to work and it's Rogers creds and a send/receive error that tells me to check with my ISP (Rogers) that is not allowing any of my emails to update.  It's been 3 weeks for me and I'm super frustrated.  I have a total of almost 15 email addresses, I can't be going to the web to check each and everyone of them.  Outlook was a nice central location for that purpose and it's been working for about 20 years just fine....what's happened now?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I’ve had the same problem and it’s been since March 4 of 2022. I have had several calls with Rogers and they keep saying they’re working on it.  However, I just tried three of my Rogers emails a couple of weeks ago through the automated process and outlook of adding an email and all three Roger‘s emails were able to be added with the simple passwords on the account. I don’t know what happened, but now it’s working at outlook again and it’s not because of Rogers or any solution they created. Good luck. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

It's working as outlook has with their latest update put in a workaround for not being able to create an app password.  However, my issue goes a step further.  Even though I'm not connecting to my rogers email address, when I fire up outlook, it keeps asking me for Rogers creds.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

I have 3, my son refuses to use it, my wife's went down last March, but mine works. I have a ticket logged with them as the generator will not provide a password.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

I have spent the entire this pass weekend to find answers why this password generator is down and out of 5 calls this pass Saturday I got passed from level one Techs and finally I got who I thought was a big shot manager. Wrong! This neanderthal told me that it was under repair and maybe in a few hours or a day or so it would be fixed. He lied too me and to top it all off  hung up on me. 

Finally on Sunday the 15th of September I spent over 3 hours on the phone with 2 different techs but it was the second one who finally told the truth about what is happening with this absurd situation. The password generator has been shut down period. Apparently they are looking at changing this generator of passwords without giving their loyal customers an email well in advance to shutting it down. So we could waiting till the new year before these buffoons can come with a new system but I for one ain't pleased with this situation as I'm sure all of Rogers Customers who have been LIED TOO because they just don't care anymore.  This is my first post and after reading that this has been happening since last March which I had on idea whatsoever it had been that long. Rogers is treating their customers like Sheep and hoping we all fall off a cliff and my patience is at its whits end.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

Figures...I got a ticket# about 2 months ago and then they cancelled it. Be nice to let customers know what is going on. This wouldn't be this way if Ted Rogers was still there. He used to actually answer customers emails. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

@danno100  I'm not surprised that it was cancelled dannno100. As I stated yesterday they do nothing but LIE too their customers without any repercussions from anybody. Sadly the only way to wake up this Billion's and Billion's of Dollars Company *which now is a total Monopoly* is enough loyal members decide not to pay their bills till this gets rectified. Well we all know that isn't going to happen! As for the late Ted Rogers yes but the Company he started was from totally different time era. That era was when people really cared about their customers but today no matter what Company it can take forever to jump threw prompts till finally a human voice answers but sadly its not who you want to talk too. What choices here in Toronto do we have? Rogers vs Bell and that's it. Both are evil creatures imho so I shall end my rant right now. Cheers to all the fantastic loyal Rogers customers who have put up with more garbage with no end in site.


























Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

Ended up using Thunderbird for my wifes email. Still like outlook, but beats using the webmail.This will do until a slow migration to another email provider.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

I started the transition of our email accounts to Gmail five months ago.  Unfortunately, auto-forwarding is disabled for Rogers customers of Yahoo mail, so we're still having to check the old Rogers email inboxes to forward stuff to our Gmail accounts.  This is an unnecessary nuisance, and a constant reminder of poor integration/support of the Yahoo email ecosystem by Rogers.  Every time I go back to check the old accounts I think about the time I'm wasting because of this.


I'm still using Outlook.  I changed to a new Win 11 machine two months ago, and my Rogers email accounts work under Outlook on the new machine, using the primary email password for each account.  Just lucky I guess.


I have to assume that Rogers is simply not interested in retaining any serious or business email users, since they no longer support auto-forwarding, or app passwords for Outlook and other apps. 


It seems that Outlook works with Rogers email sometimes.  It stopped working on my Win 10 machine with app passwords, and would not work after that even when using the primary email password.  None of the workarounds were effective on that machine.  Outlook works with Rogers email on my new Win 11 machine, but I don't know if this is just a fluke, or how long this will work.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

OK, things just got worse.  For the past couple of days, every time I login to Webmail, I'm presented with the following popup, which I close because I don't want MFA (I have a pre-paid phone).  When I get to the Member Centre and I click on "mail", I then get another popup (also below) saying basically the same thing, however, the only option is to click OK, but luckily I am taken to my mail.  





Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor
Rogers sales people keep calling me trolling for new business. I tell them NO!! My home phone is with another provider and my cell phone service with yet another. Now, for the past several months I’ve been having problems with my Rogers cable tv service. They told me two days ago that the problem was resolved. It isn’t. When the CRTC and the feds gave permission for Rogers to take over Shaw, they doomed Shaw customers to the same level of incredibly awful service and incompetence. If there were ever a need for Comcast or Cox in the U.S. to move to Canada and provide Canadians with the service we deserve, now is the time.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

The problem with Comcast and Cox will never happened since our government would never allow it. Comcast covers a huge amount of coverage in the middle and eastern part of the US, will coverage for Cox is the entire western part of the US. My only thoughts on this is if enough members sent a complaint ether to CRTC or to The Feb's up in Ottawa to break up Rogers since they are without a doubt the Largest Cable Company way to big since all of their acquisitions over the years with Sports Arena's they own the list is endless but their loyal cable customers are getting shafted as anyone who has called for whatever reason the people after going through 10 or more prompts end up getting some person who hasn't a clue what we are talking about. Why? Because Rogers keeps a tight lip on what they are allowed TO Know and I as a loyal customer are once again been told lie after lie but is not the lower level of people who we talk to aren't informed by Rogers yet they work for them. Is that acceptable? know and yet were the ones who put out our hard earned money but get same treat as the tech people or any division that your trying to get answers. I was talking to someone out in BC today asking him about this dead in the water password generator  and he was aware of it but again not in the position to offer any solutions. For those remember the 1976 Movie Network Peter Finch played Howard Beale and his superb line "'I'M AS MAD AS, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' That is how I feel and I'm sure many loyal customers here are feeling the same way as Howard Beale did. End Rant.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor

Thank you ryote49 for your suggestions. I will start working on an email to the CRTC about this issue. My M.P. is an independent, so I'll have to look up whose portfolio looks after the CRTC and related issues. The feds should have never allowed Rogers to abolish the competition by merging with it, thus making Rogers even more powerful more unaccountable to its customers. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Has anyone using a desktop or laptop (who is currently not able to generate an App PW for use in MS Outlook or Apple Mail) tried setting up the MFA option as outlined in the link below to see if that bypasses the need for the App PW in Mail or Outlook on a desktop/laptop computer?


At this point I have no need to try this, but I was wondering if, by filling in these forms for MFA, you would be able to utilize your regular email password in Outlook or Mail instead of the App PW. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

You can wait until the cows come home but Password Generate is gone for good since last April for Security purposes according to Rogers Technical Support . Spoke to them  Jan 13, 2024

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