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Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

I've been here awhile


I am tired of having slow connections and getting my butt kicked lol.


I have the Hitron Coda-4582U / 4589-RES. 

Not sure why there are two model numbers listed  here. It is the current white router/modem.


I checked out the port forward website and they didn't have open port numbers listed for NHH 21.

Do you know of them?

Thanks Very Much.

Take Care


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Re: Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

I plan to stick around

I do not think you should have to port forward? what is your NAT type and speed when you run the PS4 internet connection test?

Re: Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

I've been here awhile

Hi, Thanks for your reply.

I was hoping to do this as the PS4  help centre on their website suggested it.

This is what I just got on my test:


NAT: Nat Type 2

Connection Speed (download): 16.3 Mbps

Connection Speed (upload): 352.5 kbps.


The router is on the main floor and the ps4 is in the basement.

I do not have ignite but use the old digital cable boxes for connecting.




Re: Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

I plan to stick around

The issue you are having is due to that download and upload speed, you need to go hardwired, if you can just for testing plug your PS4 directly into the modem or at least bring it closer to the modem and make sure you are on 5Ghz, Lastly run a speedtest from your phone in the two locations and see what your speed is.


Your upload should be at least 5mbits. What's your plan?


Also have you looked into Powerline ethernet or a mesh Wi-Fi system?

Re: Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

It has nothing to do with ports I have the same issue and I’m on the Xbox one I think it’s just the path that Rogers uses to the ea servers and top of that it’s Rogers high latency issues that’s going on , I know people who ply in Canada and use dsl with 8/1 with lower pings / latency then me .. speed don’t mean nothing when it comes to gaming

Re: Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

I plan to stick around

I am just saying due to his speeds being so low it could be due to a Wi-Fi signal issue, the reason your friends do not have issues are due to a variety of different factors, one being that their connection speed is probably more consistent and yes Rogers is also having ping/latency issues however I believe that the issue in this original forum post is more due to a bad Wi-Fi signal

Re: Port Forwarding Numbers for NHL 21 on PS4?

He’s probably having the same issue as me and I’m going hard wired.. basically the game plays on dedicated servers when playing 6v6 so basically 12 players or if it’s hut or versus it’s peer to peer connection.. when playing on dedicated servers or peer to peer the game feels heavy/ slow player movements / sluggish/ player delay movement.. it’s just brutal right now if playing online
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