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Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

I'm here a lot

Why can’t I exchange my Coda-4582 modem for the XB6? I don’t subscribe to Rogers cable service, only gigabit internet.

I just had fibre lines buried throughout my subdivision, hopefully this means Bell gigabit service will be available soon.


*Added Labels*


Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Simple answer, at the present time, the XB6 modems are reserved for Ignite TV service only, period, full stop.  


Better answer, if you exchanged the CODA- 4582 for the Arris TGR-3482ER, you're not gaining anything as both are Intel Puma 7 modems, and personal opinion, Hitron has been dealing with Puma 7 idiosyncrasies  longer than Arris has.  


The only gain would be to exchange the CODA-4582 for the Technicolor CGM-4140, simply because ..... the CGM-4140 is a Broadcom BCM-3390 chipset modem, not an Intel product.  The 4140 should simply be a much better modem, in theory ......


The problem with exchanging the 4582 for either XB6 modem, you end up with uncontrolled Wifi networks running off of the modem no matter which mode the modem in running in, Gateway or Bridge mode.  Its interesting that no one seems to be keen on this idea, except for Comcast, Rogers and Shaw.  Personal opinion, I'll keep the 4582, running in Bridge mode, with no extraneous wifi networks running..


At the present time, it doesn't matter as Rogers has its own rules regarding which modem is available for particular services. 

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@ASimkins  Given the choice, I would rather have a Technicolor TC4400 modem (or any modem/gateway that has a true bridge mode) over any variant of the XB6.  The XB6 Gateway was designed to be the hub for Comcast's "connected home" suite of service offerings, not a pure, simple DOCSIS modem, so it doesn't have a true bridge mode nor does Rogers even officially support it in that configuration.

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

I'm here a lot
Is it possible to get the Technicolor TC4400 without Ignite TV?

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@ASimkins wrote:
Is it possible to get the Technicolor TC4400 without Ignite TV?

Actually, that was just wishful thinking on my part.  You can't get the TC4400 at all from Rogers; it's only available to TPIA customers... and Ignite TV customers can only get the XB6 gateway.


The TC4400's status is also a bit questionable.  I think that they have confirmed that it's vulnerable to the Cable Haunt exploit... and that's worrisome for current owners because (as far as I know) Rogers will not push firmware updates to a TPIA's CPE.

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

I've been here awhile

Hello all,

I'm on the CODA white boxy model. I heard there's a new black Arris model that's better for my package which is the gigabit ignite.

Anyone know more details ? Should I just visit the rogers store and ask for an exchange? I know the coda suffers from the intel puma chip stuff. So hoping to upgrade and get better performance.

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

Hi @zenyyo,


We hope all is well with you and we appreciate your post! 🙂


As mentioned by a few others within this thread, regretfully, the newest XB6 modem is not compatible or available with our legacy internet services. If you are interested in moving over to our Ignite TV service, feel free to log into your MyRogers profile to see what offers or promotions are available for you. Once there, you should also have the option to process the migration from legacy internet to Ignite TV, if you should so choose to proceed. 


I hope this helps!





Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@zenyyo wrote:

I'm on the CODA white boxy model. I heard there's a new black Arris model that's better for my package which is the gigabit ignite.

I don't recall any former CODA users reporting that the Ignite XB6 gateway performed any better or worse in terms of latency or throughput.  The XB6 is a capable device that can move data at gigabit rates.  The major complaints come from missing features such as: the XB6 does not support WiFi guest networks, it will not allow you to configure alternate DNS servers, and more minor things such as only having two Ethernet ports.  On the plus side, it supports many user-friendly features that the legacy modems do not:


Anyone know more details ? Should I just visit the rogers store and ask for an exchange? I know the coda suffers from the intel puma chip stuff. So hoping to upgrade and get better performance.

The Hitron CODA is based on the Intel Puma 7 chipset, not the notoriously problematic Puma 6.  The Arris XB6 also uses the Puma 7 chipset; the Technicolor variant, which is what new users will most likely get, is based on the Broadcom BCM3390.  I have had both the Arris and Technicolor XB6 and I can't say that I noticed any appreciable difference between the two, in terms of network performance, when switching from one to the other.  The XB6 is an okay modem with good hardware but you may find that the software has some annoying bugs and limitations, and Rogers can't do much to improve it because they are just using Comcast's technology.  Many other users are also quite happy with it as is.


If you are experiencing serious issues with the Hitron CODA then, by all means, give the Ignite XB6 a try.  If not, then do as much research on this site as you can before switching because once you do, you cannot go back.

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

I've been around

I Just noticed that rogers has a new modem model XB6 on their website, would you guys happen to know if it's better than the Hitron CODA 4582 modem? The reason I'm asking is that about a month ago, I read somewhere here on Reddit that Rogers is upgrading their towers or something along those lines. I noticed that I would have lots of lag spikes when playing online games, so I figured it would be temporary. At this point, I'm still getting lag spikes but not as much as I did before. Wondering if switching modems would help Nox.

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

I wouldn't think so.  Fwiw, the 4582 is an Intel Puma 7 modem, which does not suffer from the latency that was seen in the CGN3 series Puma 6 modems.  


The XB6 has two versions, the Arris TG3482ER, and Technicolor CGM4140COM.  


The Arris TG3482ER is also an Intel Puma 7 modem, so, essentially the same chipset with Telephone capability added.


The Technicolor CGM4140COM is a Broadcom BCM3390 chipset modem.  


Externally the two XB6 versions look the same, but, under the hood they are vastly different in terms of their hardware and firmware.  The modem of choice should be the Technicolor CGM4140COM.  


If you're seeing latency spikes, your best bet is to research the issue to determine the cause, as in WAN or LAN caused?  Then determine what will resolve the situation.  Only when you've managed to resolve the issue would I recommend switching modems to the Technicolor XB6.  Both modems have their quirks as @-G- can tell you, but my choice would be the Technicolor XB6.

Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

I plan to stick around

Hello, am I eligible for the new WIFI IGNITE Modem (Gigabit)?


I currently have Gigabit Internet with the White HITRON CODA modem (CODA-4582 i believe) for many years. The wifi on the this CODA modem sucks. I have been hearing around about this new WIFI Ignite modem that's supposedly better than the CODA one.



Also last time we called IT Support and they mentioned about the new Modem Upgrade. My friends got the upgrade with a MESH wifi System as well (repeaters). Can I have more information on what this is? 



Re: Hitron CODA 4582 - exchange for XB6

Hello @hen555!


We'd be happy to take a closer look at your account to see what modems you may be eligible for!


Feel free to send us a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  




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