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Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I've been around

My usage states 30,000 MB / 295 GB, It appears Rogers have recreated their own measuring stick of 100 MB = 1GB instead of 1,000MB = 1GB. Morons, like Rogers make these horrific errors. Ask Rogers to check your usage in MB and in GB. You may find Rogers just moves a decimal point. 



***Added Labels***


Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I'm a senior advisor
Thanks for the explanations. I understand it now but ask me to explain it I differ to you. Clear as mud. No wonder we get confused. Maybe a statement on the usage log and terms that says any overage charges will appear on the sill for next billing period.

Thanks for your insights.


Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I'm a trusted contributor

@BS wrote:
 Clear as mud. No wonder we get confused. 

Is it designed to be confusing?

For the INTERNET portion of my bill, I have to remember that my November BILL doesn't have my November MONTHLY charges nor my November USAGE charges. The Monthly charge is for the next month and the Usage charge is for the previous month.  


Summary of my online Overages Data:

Sep 19 – Oct 18 2018  ( This overage data appears  for my November Bill)

Total Usage (GB)

36.54 GB

Usage Allowance

25 GB 

Additional Use

12 GB




 Oct 19 – Nov 18  2018 ( This overage data appears for my December Bill)

* The data shown is 10X what is actually was. It was corrected when I received my bill.

Total Usage (GB)

304.44 GB

Usage Allowance

250 GB 

Additional Use

50 GB




Nov 19 – Dec 18 2018 (This overage data will appear for my January Bill)

Total Usage (GB)

30.35 GB

Usage Allowance

25 GB 

Additional Use

5 GB




If anyone reading this is wondering why I go over my Internet Usage Allowance, it is because it is cheaper for me.   I don’t do much video watching, so I only go over my 25GB Allowance by 5 to 10GB per month. I pay a $1.50/GB overage charge. So the $36.99 per month for the 25GB Usage Allowance Plan is cheaper than going to the next 250GB Plan at $77.99 per month.  I would have to consistently use an Additional 27GB before the 250GB plan was cost effective. I did consider an Unlimited Data Plan simply for the higher speeds (60 Mbps) but 5Mbps seems to work fine for the constant Windows, iOS and Application updates on my PC and wireless devices. The $59.99 Unlimited Plan is only guaranteed for 6 months as well, then it jumps to $95.99 thereafter. At that price I could go over my 25GB usage allowance by 39GB!  The devil is in the detail, so make the detail work for you. Smiley Wink

Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I'm a trusted contributor

Just to let users know, here is what my daily data usage chart looks like this month when I have to update Windows ver 1803 on my PC, and Windows ver 1809 on my laptop. 

I should have gone to Tim Horton's with my laptop. Smiley Frustrated


Should Rogers provide a free block of data such as 10Gig for companies like MicroSoft, etc. that chew into your data allocation? Or, do I go to Tim Horton's more often with my iphone, iPad and Laptop?  



Windows Update Data usage.jpg


Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I'm a trusted contributor

Final point to make here.

I received the January 18 2019 Rogers Bill today and of course I checked my data overages.

REMEMBER the Rogers Bill does not cover the (Dec - Jan) cycle that has just past.

It actually covers the (Nov - Dec) data overage cycle. 

190118 Internet Billing Periods.jpg


If you look ONLINE however, you will see your (Dec - Jan) overages. Don't get fooled like I was.


190118 Data Usage Chart.jpg

Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I'm a trusted contributor

If anyone is still following my data management situation, here is another surprise.

I had about 2GB of data left with 1 day to go in my 25 GB monthly allocation. I decided I had enough data to update my Microsoft Win 10 OS on both PC and Laptop. Wow.. it used up 8 GB!  So I am now 6 GB over.  You should make sure you are updating regularly and don't get behind.  This will show up on my APRIL bill for at least $9.00 overage. 


PC & Laptop Updates.jpg 




Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Re: Data Overage Error - Why did it occur & How to quickly Fix it?

I'm a trusted contributor

@57 wrote:

There's no surprise here. Look at your post 45 of this thread.


Besides the update usage issue, I was also hoping to make sure that it was understood that the Internet charges are not related to the current billing period.  As shown below you are being charged for the next period and overage charges are for the previous period. That is what led to confusion when I first posted the Data Overage Error issue.  


Rogers Internet Payment Periods.jpg

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