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Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

I'm here a lot


I've had the same ad hoc ongoing issue with my CODA-4582 for over a year. Internet will work fine and then randomly the wifi would drop and the modem will have no lights for 2.4 or 5ghz. I've spoken to many tech agents and had field service come check the lines - everything is fine. I've swapped modems many times and cant find a fix to this.

So far I notice maybe after 5 hard resets (pin in hole) and then sometimes it will come back on. Then I have to do the SSID settings again which is annoying.

It's frustrating because agents can't seem to figure this out.

Modem power is plugged straight in wall --> Yes
Modem AND Power has been exchanged --> yes

I had this problem yesterday, spent 1 hr on the phone and when they were about to apply a credit and on my fifth reset it starting working again (lights for wifi were on and it worked)

Right now I swapped my modem and the same problem. I can't even get into Easy Connect. No wifi lights and after hard reset and soft. All lights are valid.. solid green @ but no wifi lights.

This is VERY frustrating. Can somebody help please ?


***Added Labels***


Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

I'm here a lot
Just did my 7th hard reset and the wifi lights came on and Easy Connect showed up. I need a long term fix for this.

Imagine if a power outage happens, or firmware upgrade occurs which resets the modem ...Everytime the modem 'resets' this seems to happen. This task can become annoying every month and as a consumer I shouldn't have to do this.

My concern is if I'm traveling for work, my wife won't know how to diagnose and waste hours on the phone with Rogers tech support who will tell her they cannot access the modem and to replace the modem the next day (This has happened couple times)

I forgot to mention I've renamed the SSID and tried new passwords and still having the same problem. Also unplugged 30 sec, 5 mins, 1 hour and even over night to power cycle...

Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

Hey @vikesh3,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums and thank you for your first post! 🙂


I can understand why you are frustrated since you've already changed the modem and the issue persists. Plus the amount of time and all the troubleshooting steps you've had to complete. I'm surprised the issue persists after a modem swap. That makes me wonder if there might be an issue with the power outlet you have the modem plugged into or there might be high Wi-Fi interference. Have you tried a second power outlet?


If so, when the Wi-Fi disconnects again and the lights go off, can you login to the modem with a wired device? You do that by going to and use the username: cusadmin and the password: (your current Wi-Fi password). Once in there, navigate to the Wi-Fi settings page. Does the wireless channel show as 0? If so, there is probably high Wi-Fi interference. The short term fix is to set your Wi-Fi channel to a static one so you don't lose connection again until we can determine the source of interference.


Please let us know how you make out!


Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

Hi, yes - I’ve tried different power outlets and still have this problem.

When I do have this problem the Rogers agents cannot login to they say they receive an error on their end.

I’ve tried in the past to access internal router settings with a wired device and had no luck. I will try this again the next time it happens.

After 6+ resets and when wifi lights come back on then I can access the internal router settings. This is also the same time that the Rogers remote agent can login as well. Otherwise they keep getting an error.

Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Even though your lines have been checked, I suspect a signal issue at your home or in your neighbourhood.  A loose connection or some other temporary or intermittent issue may be at fault.  These are very difficult to diagnose.  Talk to your neighbours to see if they've had any issues.  You may need a new line to your home...

Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

Can I please get some help? I have another field agent coming today. I would like somebody at Rogers to figure out this problem.

Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

Hello again, @vikesh3


Let the Community know how things go after the service technician visits your home today. We'll need to wait on the report for the technician to determine what the next steps should be if issues are persistent after the service call.


I am hopeful that the technician will find a solution for you this time.


Keep us posted on the results!



Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

All these years I have a had a USB Hardrive plugged into the CODA modem for file sharing on my network. The agent thinks this is the problem and said USB is only for Rogers diagnostic and not meant for file sharing (even though in the firmware there is a USB file sharing option). We’ll see if this fixes it. On immediate powercycle resets, the wifi did come on. When the USB hardrive plugged in, the wifi didn’t come on reset.

It will really surprise me if this was the issue. I’ve had almost 4 field reps come and nobody said anything about having a USB hard drive plugged in.

Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

@vikesh3 is the hard drive a flash drive, or is it something like an external SSD hard drive that is drawing power from the modem?  Or, does the hard drive have its own power source?

Re: Constant Issues with No Wifi on Reset / Modem Swap CODA-4582

It is a Western Digital External 3.5 inch Hardrive with it’s own power source plugged into the wall.
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