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10:16 AM
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10:21 AM
When I tried to generate an App password to connect to Outlook.
I receive the following message:
Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later.
I tried calling Rogers Support I was told I would have to wait between 20 to 30 mins...
Not happy!
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Solved! Solved! Go to Solution.
03-22-2024 11:45 AM - edited 03-22-2024 11:50 AM
@Jonogrant wrote:
1. Why would they not resolve a problem where you can't use email on an iPhone?
2. Not working on Outlook is bad enough.
3. ...go will Bell/Teksavvy more like it!
I have the following comments as a summary:
1. There is no problem with e-mail on devices like phones or tablets since no app PW is required on them. For example, Mail on an iPhone or iPad works just fine. Not sure why you would say you can't use e-mail on an iPhone.
2. E-mail works on the latest, paid version of Outlook since that doesn't require an app PW. It also works on the free Web-based version of Outlook, but you have to put up with ads. It does not work on earlier versions of Outlook, like Outlook 2016 or 2021 since they preceded the App PW generator problem and still require an App PW (if you "lose" your App PW.) It is very typical for older software to require updating as things change.
3. Going to a different provider is not recommended since you may end up with a similar situation and will require a new e-mail address if you go to them, or if you move in future. What is recommended is to switch to a free e-mail provider like Gmail or Yahoo (not Rogers/Yahoo). Another option is to purchase a domain for a few $/mo and set up your own e-mail address. In this way you are not reliant on your service provider and you can move anywhere, any time.
4. We have heard that the latest version of Thunderbird for PC also works without an App PW. The Thunderbird Mac version apparently does not work without an App PW yet, but we will continue to monitor as people try it.
5. Mail for Mac (computers) does not yet work.
6. If you don't "lose" your app PW, all e-mail clients will continue to work. It's only if you "lose" your App PW that you will be "in trouble". However, if you update the e-mail client or get a new computer, the App PW should "follow" the update, or you should be able to copy the existing App PW from the old version to the new (if it was working). How you do that will depend on the client, the computer and the OS. The App PW needs to be "visible" in the e-mail client account settings but there are instructions on the web depending again on the computer, the client and the OS.
7. Since the App PW generator has been down for over a year, this is highly unlikely to be fixed. Rogers doesn't seem to want to spend more money on their e-mail system as evidenced by several other recent issues.
8. Previous similar discussion in a similar thread below:
03-08-2023 11:31 AM
09:32 PM
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09:36 PM
Same here!!! Any luck yet? How do they not get on this and fix this asap - pretty basic to their service that we pay a ridiculous amount for!!!
07:25 AM
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08:00 AM
Still not working this morning. This is pretty basic functionality - the ability to set up an email client to work with the service we are paying for - Rogers has this bizarre algorithm to generate an appliance password instead of letting us choose our password (like every other email service on the planet) - if they are going to force us to jump through this hoop, the least they could do is to ensure it is working!!! My GF Bell email does not have this issue... just saying. One more nail in the coffin....
03-09-2023 11:30 AM
I'm having the exact same problem. Nothing working for 2 days now. I had an app password for outlook and now everything is just gone and I can not get e-mails in outlook. Went to generate a new app password and now it's just constantly something is wrong on our end.
03-09-2023 12:45 PM
Same thing Here. Called to tech support and they reset my password which gave me access
via IOS and Ipad and webmail, but not with Windows Live Mail. When I try and create an APP password it gives me the dreaded "OOPS something went wrong on our end" Tried tech support "ask Annie" a second time and told me they are experiencing email problems with no ETA of completion. Lucky we can pick up the email on other devices. Asked Tech to post on social media so we can track their resolution rather than keep filling up the queue. 87 people in queue first time so I showered , shaved, made coffee and got back to the queue being 24.
04:15 PM
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04:19 PM
Your bell mail is garbage on security. The application password is to help secure your email while using apps that are considered insecure. ISP's really want to phase out mail transport agents like Outlook etc, largely because its pain to support them but also because they are very insecure. Webmail is the way to go in 2023
03-13-2023 10:10 PM
same here. It's now been 9 days for me and still can't generate a password!!!
03-13-2023 11:36 PM
11:11 AM
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08:41 AM
This problem surfaced Wednesday 8th March last week when i got a call from a Client
The problem is the less secure apps part is broken i have spoken with a few in Tech Support and if they are aware or know how their system works they will tell you its a problem...
One of my clients is a successful real estate agent and he cannot use Outlook which is a BIG PROBLEM.
I have checked some of my other clients and the same result the "Something Went Wrong Our End"
I asked them to remove the app piece from authentication and use the password like the old days and that cannot be done either.....
03-15-2023 09:07 PM
I am having the same issue. Outlook connection stopped working. Authorized applications are gone from the Account Information area and attempting to authorize a new application results in "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later." error message.
Any update on when this will be fixed?
10:41 AM
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11:22 AM
I have been waiting for Rogers to resolve their Authorized Applications problem for weeks.
Authorizing email editors etc., to interact with Rogers's email servers has been down for weeks!
Each time I call Roger's support, I am told it will be up in a few days. I continue to wait.
I use Outlook to schedule my daily activities. Since Outlook cannot connect with the email servers, Outlook cries every 30 seconds that it can't connect to the email server. It is tough to work since I click Outlook's cancel button every 30 seconds.
Look, your security system is not working. Can you turn off that authorizing system until it is fully repaired?
I want to get on with work and not babysit with Outlook each time it can't connect with the email servers.
03-16-2023 10:49 AM - edited 03-16-2023 11:47 AM
1. This issue has been discussed in several "app password" threads during the past 2 weeks. As of this time, there is no firm ETA of when a fix will happen.
2. In the meantime, you should be able to use Webmail (Rogers/Yahoo e-mail on a browser).
3. You should also be able to configure Outlook to "work offline", (or some other setting under the Outlook menu or the Outlook Preferences) so that it doesn't constantly try to synch and you can schedule your appointments.
Edit - It looks like your post was moved to this existing thread after my comments above...
03-16-2023 11:40 AM
I wonder if this app PW issue could be related to the following:
...Microsoft has confirmed that a critical Outlook vulnerability,..
03-16-2023 12:39 PM
Doesn't look related to me.
First of all, that vulnerability is specific to Outlook, and the app password feature is used for any app that needs access to Rogers Yahoo mail via the IMAP interface. I had four apps that were using passwords, Thunderbird, Outlook, a general backup utility and a mail archival utility. Thunderbird was the first entry on my App Password page. When I noticed Outlook access was broken, I went to the page to generate a new password and discovered they all of them were missing except Thunderbird. That can't be a coincidence. I had just been using my mail archival utility a week or two before, probably just before whatever happened happened.
An Outlook security vulnerability doesn't explain why all app passwords (except the first) suddenly disappeared.
Second, it doesn't explain why clicking Generate produces the error message it does. Ok, I can envisage a scenario whereby the Outlook vulnerability is a particularly threat for application using IMAP and so a decision is made to disable the IMAP interface and also to disable the Generate button so users wouldn't try to create new passwords until the problem is fixed. So why not provide a better error message? And disable delete of passwords?
I suppose I can think of a reason for this too. It might have been done in a patch release where adding a new message wasn't possible, so they picked the best fit.
Anyway, by this time Rogers Support should have been informed by Development as to the nature of the problem and at the very least have added a proper explanation to their Knowledge Base to share with customers who call, as well as posted something useful to the Community Forum.
Instead we are left in the dark.
Speaking as a former development manager, I suspect the most likely scenario is that someone tried to replace the password generation algorithm -- maybe trying to make it stronger -- and ended up breaking the Generate button. Now we are waiting on a release cycle that is significant enough to fix the problem properly and to undergo regression testing. The fact that two weeks have gone by I think supports that theory. The problem is likely already fixed in a development build. Now it needs to work it's way out through the test and release pipeline.
But it sure would be nice if Rogers would give us regular status updates.
03-17-2023 10:30 AM
Same issue here as of March 17. After spending an hour on phone they said they were elevating the issue. I received a text yesterday saying the fixed it. They did not! Extremely frustrating
03-17-2023 10:43 AM
They might have fixed it, but the fix hasn't been released yet. This is a common source of frustration and misunderstanding. A Customer Support rep looks at the status of a problem, sees it's been marked as fixed, and tells the customer that. However, after "fixed" comes "tested" and then "released". So it's important to ask the rep when the fix is likely to be released. Often, they won't know for a variety of reasons. Some fixes are trivial or low risk. Some are big or high risk. Software releases generally follow the pattern of patches, hotfixes, rolling bug fixes, minor upgrades and major releases. The cost and length of time increases in the same order, largely because of the amount of testing that is performed. Patches and hotfixes get very focused testing, and are usually only sent to customers that have the specific problem. For server-side issues like this one, they will affect everyone and so are seldom applied unless it's something critical such as a security vulnerability.
Broken functionality, which is the case here, calls for more extensive testing than would occur with a patch or hotfix. So my guess is it will have to wait for a rolling bug fix release where there will be some significant regression testing.
I'm just speculating here. I don't have any insider knowledge of Roger's software development process. But I'm basing my remarks on 35 years of software development and management.
03-17-2023 10:46 AM
looks like they cant fix it....
we need more service providers in Canada
03-17-2023 10:55 AM
eugenios, why do you say it looks like they can't fix it???
03-17-2023 09:51 PM
03-20-2023 01:38 PM
Webmail is a 1990s solution...which is why I don't use AOL or Compuserve anymore. Everyone wants/needs their email pushed or pulled automatically...and the Yahoo platform (also from the 90s) Rogers uses is the only one I know of that's requiring an app password. Perhaps as a lower-cost security solution. I'm certainly no expert...but they've been my primary ISP and email provider since @home days...and I need to see email on my desktop and laptops again. I can't imagine what's taking so long to "fix"... or why that fix invalidated my previous app passwords.