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TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Have upgraded my Rogers Ignite in January and have had this problem  since day 1. My 55 inch Vizio TV in the family room where the modem/router (gateway) is located turns itself on sometime  between 10 PM and 3 AM .  The other 2 TV's work the way they should.  Tech support has been involved and have replaced the black box and remote without success.   This does not happen every night.  I use a Vizio sound bar and have an NVIDIA Shield gaming/TV box.  They Have never turned on with the TV unless I turn them on.  Would appreciate any help you can provide.....Thanks



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Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I quickly read through your posts in this thread, but did you do as suggested in post 5 of this thread (and in one of my posts)  and turn off HDMI-CEC?


A few TVs leave their HDMI receivers powered ON while the TV is turned off in the standby state. If you have turned off your TV and return later to find it has turned itself back on, here are some options to keep the TV in standby after powering it off:
  1. Power off the HDMI source that is connected to the selected HDMI input on the transmitter such that it is no longer outputting video and/or audio
  2. Or select an unused input on the transmitter or an input that is connected to an inactive source (that is powered off and not outputting video or audio)
  3. Or disable the CEC function on the TV.
To disable CEC on VIZIO Smart TVs:  press menu button on VIZIO remote, press OK on settings or system, press OK on CEC settings, Disable CEC function. 


Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Yes I did disable the CEC??? I went back and found it starting at #4 of now 23 posts

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

TV came on between 12 and 3:15 am.  I turned it off.  We went out from 8 till 10:00 am and TV was on when we came in.  I have removed the sound bar totally from the equation and will feed back if/when the TV is fixed.  NVIDIA Shield will be next

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

My money is on the NVIDIA Shield.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

TV on at 12:15.  Turned off TV, unplugged Ethernet connection from NVIDIA Shield.   TV just updated at 4 am.   So far not on. I know this because I'm downstairs watching the TV down here.  (All nightr' and now I'm tired as . ) 


Question...Why and how does the TV after awhile go into I'll call it a screen safer mode, and also I've noticed when changing channels I sometimes have to wait 5 plus seconds for the picture and sound to come on?  


This system is starting to drive me nuts.  Been dealing with Panasonic for the cordless phones always receiving a busy signal.  Their support is great and  we're replacing the units with new.  Get them tomorrow so will let all know the outcome.  I'm at the point where I"m considering calling Rogers and have the replace to whole . system




Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

See post 23 please

Just went through my menu on the TV to try and figure out and document a few things (I'm embarrassed now).

Looks like I re enabled the CES.  The only positive I see here is to say thanks for asking the other day for asking.


CES now enabled


Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I mean disabled......Too many Senior Moments
Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor


Some feedback.

1. "unplugged Ethernet connection from NVIDIA Shield" - did you mean HDMI connection, and if not why the Ethernet connection?

2. "TV just updated at 4 am" - what update is this and how did you know there was an update if the TV was off?

3. "I'm downstairs watching the TV down here" - is this on a different TV?

4. "Why and how does the TV after awhile go into I'll call it a screen safer mode" - the Rogers TV box will display the screen if the live or recorded program is paused after a set time. Some TV's will go into screen saver mode if the TV app is paused for some period of time.

5. "when changing channels I sometimes have to wait 5 plus seconds for the picture and sound to come on?" - whenever the responsiveness of my Rogers TV box slows down I do a reboot. This could be once a month.

6. "Panasonic for the cordless phones always receiving a busy signal" - you already identified this phone as incompatible and have a plan to address. Report the results.

Hang in there.



Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Loved your post Bplayer.  Had a bad night the other night.  No Sleep.  Used to be able to do that but no more

1)Ethernet was done on purpose.  Thought it would cancel out NVIDIA shield and the Gateway box.   It didn't so now the HDMI cable out and Ethernet back in.

2/3) Main TV was off I was downstairs watching my own TV (Sony).  We have 3 TV's 1 upstairs bedroom (Her shows)

1 in family room Main floor and mine in basement. The Family room is the Vizzio that the gateway modem is beside.

The gateway has the new cordless phone installed and now working as of this morning and the Nvidia Shield box i front of the gateway now without the HDMI cable plugged in. I've removed the sound bar completely


As for the Panasonic it always worked and then just went busy al the time.  Turned out the base unit crapped out for some reason.  Panasonic by the way has fantastic customer support.


Thanks to all for your support.  If TV comes on tonight I believe the next step will be to Call and get Rogers to send out Tech Spec along with replacing gateway and remotes????   Thoughts


Tryin' to Smile



Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

TV turned on by self twice(2) last night. Tv only using HDMI cable. Now I'm really confused. Telephone is plugged into back of gateway. Any suggestions
Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

What do you mean by "TV only using HDMI cable"? What device was this cable connected to. Seems you need to do a test with nothing connected to the TV, and wifi disabled. If it does not turn on by itself then start adding cables and wifi back, one at a time. This should identify the condition that allow it to turn on by itself.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

@dusty_miller0 : You really should be more specific in your responses, so that we don't need to ask additional questions.  When you say "only using HDMI cable" - where is this cable connected?  Have you tried disconnecting all HDMI (as well as any other) cables to see if the TV will turn on by itself?


@Bplayer : Great minds think alike - 16 seconds apart... 😉

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

@dusty_miller0 wrote:
TV turned on by self twice(2) last night. Tv only using HDMI cable. Now I'm really confused. Telephone is plugged into back of gateway. Any suggestions

Is your TV connected to the network by Wi-Fi and could network activity (e.g. something like a smart speaker/virtual assistant probing the network for devices that it can control) be causing your TV to wake up?

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

To be more precise I've totally removed the sound bar and disconnected the NVIDIA Shield by unplugging the HDMI cable at the NS box that goes into the TV.  The only HDMI cable being used now and last night is the one plugged into the small black rogers box into my TV. 

The gateway has my Panasonic cordless phone and an Ethernet cable for the NVIDIA shield plugged into it along with the power and rogers cable.  Hopefully this is clear enough???This will be the setup again for tonight along with the remote out out of the room. 


Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

I suggest you disconnect that HDMI cable to the Rogers box as well, also disconnect any Ethernet cable, and disable wifi. Basically the stand-alone TV, then start adding connections one at a time. Also keep a log of each configuration for every night of observation.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

in all Onesty, reading all these posts kinda gets me lost at the progress of the problem.

I would have done something super simple like count how many devices are connected to your TV,  so for example a Blue Ray player, a Rogers Cable Box, a Video Game console, maybe a VCR too?


Since this is the Rogers form, we should be triaging the Rogers Cable Box with the TV FIRST,  so disconnecting it via hdmi and check in the morning if it turns on still, if so, then its a TV problem and a quick call to Visio for the next steps.


Disconnecting the Ethernet from your nvidia shield not sure what thats suppost to do cus it may still output a hdmi video signal to the tv even with the rj45 disconnected?



Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

How do I disable the wi-fi Bplayer?  The TV did turn on last night and there was nothing plugged in, but I did not know how to disable the wi-fi, other than re-set the TV original deleting all settings.  How close to the TV can the gateway be?  Nvidia shield had both HDMI and Ethernet cable removed.  HDMI was removed fro roger black box.  Remote was in another room.  Telephone was not unplugged.....Will be also unplugging that tonight.  


Thanks again to All who have shown an interest in my problem

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

Hi @dusty_miller0 Your recent test seems to point to the TV itself as the source of the problem. There are reports of this happening with some Samsung TV's. What Brand and model TV do you have? It is possible that the TV is trying to perform a firmware update. The interface for each TV is different but in general you need to go to Settings and maybe Help for a menu item called Update and see if something is pending. Also under Setting there should be a menu item for internet connect (wired or wifi), and it should allow you to disable wifi. This is something that you would have enable when you first got the TV.

The distance between the gateway and the TV is not really important.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

The TV is a Vizio  M55-F0 (O???) I think 0.   Yesterday morning (Saturday) with everything unplugged TV did not turn on  (teasing me I think), however when I plugged my phone line back in all I got was busy signal (the same as my old set of Panasonic's That I had replaced last week.  (I think my blood pressure then hit an all time high).  I called Rogers on my cell  and got in touch with Ignite support.  Wish I could remember his name, but he was great.  Once the phone line was reset he asked about the TV coming on (I never mentioned it to he read my "file" and I was impressed.) I told him to read up on the forum (this one) and he could not believe it because he's never heard of it..  Said he would open a higher alert ticked and someone will get back to me.   (Impressive even if they can't resolve 100%)  I'm relying on this board for that........Now for to-day

Just in from filling the car with gas at Costco (69 cents/liter)  V not on with everything disconnected except our land line.   Before going for gas I plugged the Roger's box back in and TV is still off.  This to me is little good news for a change.

TV.  all updates were up to date, and it looks like to disable wi-fi I have to reset to factory and start over.  I will call Vizio tech support tomorrow and ask them how and why it turns on by self.


Thanks for the support All.  Stay safe



Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

@dusty_miller0Do a web search for "visio m55-f0 turns on by itself" and you will find that you are not alone. It is either the Rogers STB or the Nvidia Shield or both that are the sending input to the TV, and if the TV was set to that HDMI input before it was turned off it will respond by turning on. There are a few solutions:

1. Before turning the TV off select an unused HDMI input

2. Turn CEC off

3. Change the TV from eco mode to quick start

No need to disable wifi as that is not a contributor, it is all due to the design of the TV.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
yes this has been mentioned several times, and one point to make bplayer is the op said it happens when the hdmi cable between the rogers box and tv are disconnected, so this removes rogers from the equation, not sure why disconnecting the rj1 jack has any impact on the tv turning on and off but i would have not bothered with those options and just focused on triage with hdmi devices and then call Visio and stay on the phone until they solved it. it needs to be told that this is something Rogers does NOT support so finding an answer on here is a "nice to have" cus not all communities are this knowledgeable with non-rogers related issues so lets all give a round of applause to community forums
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