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TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Have upgraded my Rogers Ignite in January and have had this problem  since day 1. My 55 inch Vizio TV in the family room where the modem/router (gateway) is located turns itself on sometime  between 10 PM and 3 AM .  The other 2 TV's work the way they should.  Tech support has been involved and have replaced the black box and remote without success.   This does not happen every night.  I use a Vizio sound bar and have an NVIDIA Shield gaming/TV box.  They Have never turned on with the TV unless I turn them on.  Would appreciate any help you can provide.....Thanks



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Keep Smilin' .....

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Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Same as week ago with everything except the sound bar plugged in.  No other setting changed, and working as expected.  It seems that all of a sudden everything started working the way it should as if a secret switch was turned on.  Would love to know what is/was?   Another week of isolation for the sound bar and I'll get back to you.


Thanks again to ALL who helped

Keep Smilin' .....

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Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Hmm.. I wonder if its something with HDMI CEC

Not 100% sure, if these boxes reboot in the middle of the night like the older cable boxes did.
During the reboot, when its coming back on, if the TV is picking up a HDMI CEC signal that the device powered on, would power on the TV.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Gdkitty wrote:

Not 100% sure, if these boxes reboot in the middle of the night like the older cable boxes did.

The Ignite set-top boxes do check for firmware updates in the middle of the night (by default between 2 AM and 4 AM) and do restart after applying the update.


I have fallen asleep with the TV on and woken up to an update dialog on the screen prompting me to either apply the update now, change the update schedule, or skip.  If you don't click on any of those options within 5 minutes, the box will update on its own and reboot.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Tech support actually had me turn that CEC signal off.  He was actually the first to get me looking at setup for the TV

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

@dusty_miller0  FYI, I also found this on VIZIO's support site: TV Powers On By Itself


Looks like this is a very common problem for their customers.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

It’s a Vizio issue since the most recent firmware update, I have the P65F1 which also has been turning itself on usually overnight. I’ve resorted to unplugging the power bar when I’m finished using the television for the night. 

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Thought we had it, but it comes on now every night (at different times)  I've had it come on in the morning while I'm sitting reading.  TV also now seems to stop and go and when changing channels takes about 5 seconds to start program.  More buffering etc.  Getting to the point where it'll be leaving.  NOT HAPPY at all

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Hey @dusty_miller0,


So sorry to hear that the issue still persists! I understand that you've already tried disabling the CEC function on the Vizio TV with no luck. Have you had an opportunity to try any of the other troubleshooting steps, as per @-G-'s post above


As it appears it may be an issue with the TV itself, I would also recommend reaching out to Vizio for direct support to see if they have any other suggestions that they can offer.


Thank you,


Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Thanks for the reply Laura.  The TV is "possessed", and I'm p ssed.  I'm not sure I understand what @-G's post is asking me to do other than the CEC turned off.  As a matter of fact just as I started replying to this the TV turned on by it self. (5:58 am).  I'm in a different room.  The last time it came on was Monday between 1 and 5 am.


I've also noticed that changing channels takes it's time before it picks up the go to channel.  (occasional).


We have 3 TV's (different makes, and levels in the house and 2 new remotes and 1 older remote (silver colored in middle)  The Vizzio has a new one?   Vizzio is oir Main tv and is the only one with the problem.


What should I do next ?   I'm thinking replcing all the rogers control "stuff" ???  Your thoughts please


Frustrated ......


Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

I have not seen it suggested but need need to try and isolate the problem. Yes, it is a crazy situation, but you can take some steps to find the source.

1. After you have turned off the TV at night, disconnect the hdmi cable from the Rogers box, and see if the TV turns on by itself. You may need to do this for more than one night as you say it does not happen every night. If it does turn on then you will know it is not the Rogers box causing it.

2. Do the same thing with the sound bar and any other hdmi connected devices (one device at a time).

3. Put all remote control devices in a drawer.

You can then focus on a solution when you have found out what is causing it. Good luck.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Bplayer....I like your diagnostic approach....I have tried this, but believe I didn't try it long enough and then when all back together it happened.  I'll start tonight with the HDMI from the tv removed at the black rogers box.  I will reply with a yes or no every couple days.  If I get a "yes" I'll leave the HDMI at the box in and remove the HDMI at the sound bar.....This could take awhile, so I'll try and be patient.Right now I'm fighting with my cordless phone always busy....(plugged into the back of the Gateway box


Thanks for help



Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

@dusty_miller0 wrote:

Right now I'm fighting with my cordless phone always busy....(plugged into the back of the Gateway box

Power cycle your XB6 gateway.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

That was done this morning by self and rogers tech support.  I have recently unplugged the cordless Panasonic from the back of the gateway and plugged in desktop phone that was plugged into a bell box in the wall. It works fine. I have to use the gateway as the source for my phone and as of this morning it totally stopped working.   Looks like it's a Panasonic problem.  Can't wait to figure out why all of sudden it won't.  Thanks for reply

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I suggested that because my phone service didn't work this morning either.  (Looks like the ATA in the gateway lost registration.  Incoming calls went straight to voicemail.  Outgoing call attempts resulted in a fast busy.  This is the first time that I've seen this happen with the Ignite service.)  Rebooting the XB6 didn't fix the problem.  Pulled the power plug on the XB6 to reset and that worked.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around


TV came on last night turned it off and was again when I woke up.  Will now leave the HDMI cable plugged in to the back of the rogers box, and have unplugged the power to the Vizzio sound bar.  (Does not use an HDMI cable so I removed the power)....FYI sound bar uses a digital optical cable.


I'll let everyone know

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I'm a trusted contributor

One step forward. So step #1 concludes that it is not the Rogers box turning on the TV. Now to step #2 the soundbar.

I cannot remember if you indicated that there are other devices attached. If not, and this is a long shot... is the TV connected to the internet and is it set for automatic updates? Then step #4 would be to disable wired or wifi on the TV.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Here's a link that may help explain things and help you troubleshoot:


Although the above link is about programming the remote, a lot of the comments apply when various items are connected.  One other possibility is someone nearby using a similar remote on a similar TV turning on your TV when he turns his on/off

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Define "near by" please....same house?

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

1) It is a smart TV

2) I also have it connected to an NVIDIA Shield Game box which will be the next piece of equipment to disconnect the HDMI cable from.


Why next....last night the TV came on wit the rogers  cable plugged back in , but with the Sound bar unplugged (no HDMI cable used to install this.   So I'll unplug the Game Box and see how it goes.

3) I wish I would have kept a diary of exactly what I did and then written it up..My memory isn't getting any better


VERY VERY Frustrated....Fred

Keep Smilin' .....

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

@dusty_miller0 wrote:

Define "near by" please....same house?

Unless the TV can utilize RF or Bluetooth signals which can travel further and in the case of RF through walls, then nearby means typically in the same room.  However if your room is on an outside wall with windows next to a neighbour with windows, it's possible that IR signals could be getting to your TV, but the odds are pretty slim. I just mentioned it in case...


If you keep a log of when it happens, then it may be possible to track down whatever is causing the issue including something like power surges in the home or other items coming on at that time.

Re: TV turns on by self in middle of the night

I plan to stick around

Thanks for verifying my question.  From now on when I post re this problem (opportunity for us) I will use the board as my procedure starting now March 15th 2020.

1) Went out for breakfast with my wife at 9 am (=/- 15 minutes)...I turned off the TV myself.

!.5 later came home and the TV was on.

Status of TV.  

a) Rogers box plugged = HDMI cable

b)Sound bar unplugged with digital optical cable plugged in

c)Nvidia shield box plugged in (Ethernet from gateway and HdmI to TV

d) Gateway has rogers cable , Ethernet and phone plugged into back

All plugged in to surge protected power bar.


Almost feels like a full time job.   Haven't worked full time for 16 years and I hate it

Keep Smilin' .....
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