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Ignite SmartStream

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Resident Expert

Just saw this on the Rogers Support page: Ignite SmartStream


As far as I can tell, Ignite SmartStream appears to be a new service where you can rent the Ignite TV set-top box without the Ignite TV service.  I haven't seen a formal announcement yet but the Support pages were posted on July 8, 2020.  More info can be found here:


With this new branding, should we now also refer to the Ignite TV (Xi6) set-top box as a "SmartStream box" going forward?



***Added Labels***


Re: Ignite SmartStream


Hello, @-G-


Thanks so much for your post and all of your many contributions to the Community! 🙂


I for one am very excited about the new SmartStream option. We still refer to the boxes as an Ignite TV box but thank you for the great suggestion on branding.


We'd love to hear about how the Community feels about the new SmartStream option.


We look forward to hearing from you!



Re: Ignite SmartStream

So from the looks of it.. 

These are an ignite box, which just have the LIVE TV portion removed?  Only on demand, netflix and other streaming services?

Aimed towards cord cutters who still have rogers internet?

Re: Ignite SmartStream

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Gdkitty wrote:

So from the looks of it..   These are an ignite box, which just have the LIVE TV portion removed?  Only on demand, netflix and other streaming services?

and it looks like Rogers will also offer movie rentals as well.


We'll see if they will eventually also offer Crave, Crave Movies + HBO, Starz, Stingray Qello, or any other On-demand services that are available as standalone OTT services.  The biggest downside is that SmartStream will be limited to the X1 apps that Rogers chooses to make available... and those apps had better work well because they are now the main product being sold.


I believe that Ignite SmartStream will also require "Ignite Internet" with an XB6 modem.


Aimed towards cord cutters who still have rogers internet?

I still have not seen any pricing on for this.  The competition will be an Amazon Fire TV Stick that can be bought outright for only $50 ($70 for the 4K version) undiscounted and Smart TV's that will allow you to run those same apps (and more) for free.  Will the first STB be a free giveaway along with Ignite Internet?

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I plan to stick around

Seems  like a waste to provide a box for limited apps.Unless there are big changes coming????

Re: Ignite SmartStream

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@yyz64 wrote:

Seems  like a waste to provide a box for limited apps.Unless there are big changes coming????

I am still looking forward to seeing a formal announcement.  Perhaps that will shed more light on where Rogers plans to take this offering.


The Xi6 is a great little set-top box, but it was primarily meant to deliver services such as Ignite TV.  Comcast also ties it into some of their other "connected home" offerings.


We don't know what the internal business case is for Ignite SmartStream.  Rogers cannot afford to give the Ignite STB away unless they expect it to drive additional revenue and/or they have plans to monetize its usage.  (I am sure that Rogers is also hoping that many SmartStream customers will eventually upgrade to Ignite TV.)  If they charge customers for the box, customers will need to see a benefit to either renting or purchasing a set-top box that can only be used as part of the X1 platform/ecosystem.


I'm also a bit surprised that Rogers is using the SmartStream name.  It is already over-used by a number of companies commercially, in a number of different industries, including digital media/advertising.

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I'm a reliable contributor

Unless the box is free, I have no idea why anyone would want this.  There are much better (ie more reliable) options out there.  For the last week I have been getting messages on all my TVs "Where are having trouble with this app" everytime I access Youtube or Prime.  A reboot sometimes fixes the issue - in addition to not having a back button on Youtube, now when I exit apps it doesn't go back to live TV - the screen just goes black.  

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I plan to stick around

Seems like a fairly simple way to get some smart features on a featureless TV.  I have to say I'm not terribly impressed with the xi6 as a device overall.  I am doubtful that there will be a configurable or large selection of apps.  No streaming from device or anything fancy.

Re: Ignite SmartStream

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@fgfgf wrote:

Seems like a fairly simple way to get some smart features on a featureless TV.  I have to say I'm not terribly impressed with the xi6 as a device overall.  I am doubtful that there will be a configurable or large selection of apps.  No streaming from device or anything fancy.

As far as I can tell, SmartStream is Rogers' counterpart to Comcast's Xfinity Flex offering.   The set-top box runs "X1 apps" so, like Ignite TV,  we will most likely only ever see apps that Rogers provides with the service.


However, Comcast's value proposition is different.  Comcast offers their Internet customers one "free" Flex set-top box, and with that also gives them access to Peacock Premium at no cost.  The only catch is that is that they must also rent a modem, such as an XB6, XB7 or other compatible gateway.

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I plan to stick around

The fix for a dumb tv is buy a Blu Ray player that has  the apps built in and at least get something useful.Smartstream doesn't seem very well thought out and provided minimal value with the apps Rogers provides.This is one area Rogers has dropped the ball not providing much in the app functionality department.

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I'm a trusted advisor
Hey guys!.

It's great to see this but in a time when you can get a Android TV box, Blue ray with streaming available? It's a hit and miss..

The fact is Rogers hasn't offered many apps other then Netflix / YouTube and some other apps which many do not know of. If they offered more apps? It would be great. However it's very limited and not eveeyone wants to just have Netflix and YouTube.

Also if someone wants a SmartTv? You can go to you're local Best Buy / Walmart and get a SmartTv that has Netflix and YouTube integrated for around $300. ( yes they aren't high end TV's but they do offer smart features ).

I have a LG OLED ( 75inch), Sony 55inch OLED and a 55inch Sony 4K LED. All Smart TV's and the Sony ones have android integrated. So i use those features more then I have with the Ignite TV box. I only use they for local cable channels and such.

It will be a hit and miss for sure but we shall see. If they ask for more then $5 a month for the box? It won't go anywhere. That's how I see it.

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I plan to stick around

This is why I said what I did about the Smartstream box.  User has very few options for configuration, and zero control over the apps that it offers.


I only signed up for it because Rogers offered a 12-month $30 price reduction on my internet plan.  I don't even plan to use the box.  Hopefully it doesn't turn into a hassle.

Re: Ignite SmartStream

I've been here awhile

Ignite TV on Ignite SmartStream box:

I just received an ignite smartstream box from a promotion. I have multiple Rogers accounts, and the box never asked me for login information. I'm able to sign into ignite TV on a computer and use the full service (keep in mind it's a separate account than the one the box technically belongs to). I don't see any option to sign in or change accounts or access ignite tv at all. 


Can I access actual ignite tv on the smartstream box? Where can I sign in/change accounts? 

Re: Ignite SmartStream

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@jstruk wrote:

Can I access actual ignite tv on the smartstream box? Where can I sign in/change accounts? 

As far as I know, the SmartStream box can only be used to stream content using the apps provided.


The only way that you can watch Ignite TV on any Xi6 set-top box is to have that STB registered under an Ignite TV account.

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