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Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I've been here awhile

After receiving our new Smartstream device, during setup I allowed the device to control my A/V receiver. Unfortunately, while using the box I am no longer able to change any settings on the receiver and the audio setting it is stuck in produces only Bass.

I have been unable to find a way to get the box to 'forget' my receiver. Restarting the box doesn't work and going through the AV receiver connection again and saying 'no' does nothing.

How can I restore the box to it's factory settings?


Accepted Solutions

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Now that you have explained things I believe I have a solution for you.  IgniteTV boxes have a setting for the audio output that you need to change.  Go to Rogers - Settings - Device Settings - Audio and select "Stereo" instead of DD5.1 or Expert.  This will then allow you to change the audio decoding in the AVR.  I suggest DPLII for most programming (cinema for most, music for music if you desire).


The DD5.1 or Expert settings are problematic because they send incorrectly coded DD5.1 audio for recorded programming and live programming that was originally DD2.0.  Other Live and On-Demand programming is usually OK.  The AVR would have the same issue if you feed DD5.1 audio signals from other sources - limited decoding options.  It's the way (most/all) AVRs are designed.


See my explanation in the following thread. Read the first post linked below and several that follow:

View solution in original post


Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I'm a senior advisor

You can factory-reset your remote by entering setup code 9 8 1


For more information, see


then you can repair again.


Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I've been here awhile

So this successfully unpaired the remote, however I am still having the same issue (unable to change any audio settings on the receiver while the box is on).


I have several other devices routed through my receiver and I've never had this issue with any other device.

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to do. Please clarify. The IgniteTV (XR15) remote will only turn the AVR on/off and control the volume. See the following link for programming in the correct codes for your AVR and TV:


Click the "Setup" link and programme in the two codes for your TV and AVR as instructed by the website.  The remote will then turn the AVR and TV on/off with one press of the Power button. It will (typically) control the volume and mute on an AVR if the appropriate code is used and it may or may not change the input on the TV with the input button on the top left.  The XR15 remote will not do anything else for the TV or AVR.  The IgniteTV box will go into standby on it's own and come on with any button press of the remote (including the Power button) which will turn on the AVR, TV, box.


Note that it's the remote that's doing all the controlling by sending IR signals to the TV and AVR and RF signals to the box.  If you have HDMI-CEC turned on, that may turn an AVR/TV on/off but not much else.  See also:


Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I've been here awhile

Thank you for the reply. I initially believed the issue was related to the remote being linked to the AV receiver, however since I have reset the remote, and the problem persists, I don't believe the problem has anything to do with the remote.


Currently, my receiver has a google chromecast and a Nintendo Switch in the other two HDMI ports. When functioning normally, I can choose one of dozens of available audio programs on the receiver, such as "Action Movie", "Theatre", "7 Channel Surround", "2 Channel Surround" etc. However, when using the Rogers Smartstream device, the audio on the reciever is locked in to "Straight", which for some reason is only producing bass and no other audio. When I attempt to switch the audio program, the receiver displays 'Not Available' and won't change the program. The device is unusable in this configuration. I have switched the HDMI port that the Smartstream is connected to, and the issue persists. 


I am guessing that my AV Receiver (Yamaha HTR-6180) is too old to have HDMI-CEC, but I don't know. Could that be the issue?

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Now that you have explained things I believe I have a solution for you.  IgniteTV boxes have a setting for the audio output that you need to change.  Go to Rogers - Settings - Device Settings - Audio and select "Stereo" instead of DD5.1 or Expert.  This will then allow you to change the audio decoding in the AVR.  I suggest DPLII for most programming (cinema for most, music for music if you desire).


The DD5.1 or Expert settings are problematic because they send incorrectly coded DD5.1 audio for recorded programming and live programming that was originally DD2.0.  Other Live and On-Demand programming is usually OK.  The AVR would have the same issue if you feed DD5.1 audio signals from other sources - limited decoding options.  It's the way (most/all) AVRs are designed.


See my explanation in the following thread. Read the first post linked below and several that follow:

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I've been here awhile

This is the answer, thank you! That fixed the issue.

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I'm glad we were able to help and thank you for accepting my solution.  I was thrown off initially by the thread title. In future, you may wish to state the nature of the problem instead.

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

It was about factory resetting the Ignite TV box.. not the remote.. read the question first.

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@SteveNewman wrote:
It was about factory resetting the Ignite TV box.. not the remote.. read the question first.

I'm not sure why you're trolling this thread which is almost a year old.  After clarifying what the op wanted, a solution post was highlighted last April and the OP was able to fix his issue.


P.S. The issue of improperly encoded DD5.1 on IgniteTV has since been fixed by Rogers as outlined in the following thread:

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I've been here awhile
I'm suffering the same problems:
1. Volume is not controlable.
2. HDMI settings for TV can not be changed either.
I tried press and hold power button for 10 seconds, multiple times to no avail.
Also, restart, recycle, refresh and Stereo settings as suggested and no success.
All I want is a second chance to change my preferences so I can start using this device.
Can someone please help????

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Syeds wrote:
1. Volume is not controlable.
2. HDMI settings for TV can not be changed either.

1. You need to programme the Rogers remote to control your TV on/off & volume functionality.  Follow the instructions in the following link to do that.


If you have difficulty with that, let us know the make/model of your TV and we can provide additional information.


Here's another link with an alternate method:


2. In order to change the HDMI settings of your TV, you need to use your TV's remote control, but that may not be necessary if you programme the Rogers remote properly as instructed in item 1 above.  If what you're trying to do is change the inputs on the TV, that may, or may not work using the Rogers input button after programming the remote per item 1.


If we haven't guessed what it is you're trying to accomplish, please provide additional detailed response.


In the above I assumed you're trying to control your TV's volume. If you have an AVR or sound bar, please advise make/model and follow the instructions in my first link, first to control the TV on/off and then for the AVR or Sound Bar volume.

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

I've been here awhile

Thanks for your detailed response. By using the second link I walked in my cowboys shoes and achieved the goal. Still, my TV goes off when I press the power button on the remote. Something I can live with. 

Re: Factory Reset Ignite TV set top box Xi6-T

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Syeds wrote: TV goes off when I press the power button on the remote. 

The TV should come on when you press Power and go off when you press power again.  I hope it's doing that for you.

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