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Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

I've been here awhile

My 75 year old father has a Rogers account with TV, Rogers Ignite 30 - 250GB, and Rogers home phone. For Father's Day, we gave him an Amazon FireTV stick and access to a few streaming services. 

A few days ago (Sept/2021) he received a bill that says he went over his 250GB limit by 68GB. Strangely, the charges are for July even though he's already paid his July bill back in August. I checked his usage and it's saying that he used 76GB on July 23 and 215GB on July 29!! It is not possible that these numbers are correct. He only uses his computer to check email and scroll Facebook for a few minutes each morning. In the evening, he might stream a few shows or a movie, but there is NO WAY that could add up to those kinds of numbers. My husband and I game and download/stream TV/movies every day and we barely use 250GB per month, nevermind 214GB in one day!

When I set up the FireStick for my dad, I even set his streaming services to run at a lower rate because I know he has limited internet and I added a warning if he gets to 75% usage. He did not receive a warning that he was overlimit on the Amazon Firestick and he did not receive a warning from Rogers to say he was overlimit. In fact, when I check the "Alert History" on his Rogers account, I get a message saying "Sorry, we're unable to display your info."

I checked the streaming accounts and he had no usage at all for the days that are ridiculously high. I don't have any way to check his modem from that far back, but it seems secured and there have been no overage amounts since those 2 dates and no viruses/malware. 


Here are the numbers for his past few months:

Mar 1-31 = 15GB
Apr 1-30 = 11GB
May 1-31 = 19GB
June 1-30 = 28GB

July 1 - 31 = 318GB !! (but would be 32GB without those 2 high days)
Aug 1 - 31 = 33GB

So what can I do to get these charges dismissed? Also, is it possible to upgrade his current internet to unlimited? I called about that last month when he saw an ad in his email, but I got a song and dance about how he'd need to change to the new type of internet and streamingTV channels, but he doesn't want streamed TV. 

TL;DR: What can I do to get internet overage charges dismissed if I know they are incorrect?

Thanks for any suggestions.



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Accepted Solutions

Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@mikasha this used to be a very common problem for Rogers internet customers where you would see one or two days with completely ridiculous usage stats.  This hasn't come up for a while now so it makes me wonder what modem your father has?  Here's a link to the support page that shows the various modems: 


Internet Support | Rogers


I suspect that your father might have a CGN3 series modem which is the black, vertical, rectangular modem.  


I'd send a message to @CommunityHelps to reverse the charge.  Follow that link to their public page when you're logged into the forum.  On that page, use the link to "Send this user a private message".  That will take you to the message composition page.  Add the subject title and relevant details and hit send.  When you're logged into the forum, look for a number overlaying your avatar at the top right hand corner, indicating a response to your message.  That avatar also serves as a link to your mailbox (inbound and outbound).  Follow the avatar (link) and mail link to the message inbox. 


Food for thought, check your dad's router and ensure that the following is set:





                                                                     Security Mode ->  WPA-Personal

                                                                     Auth Mode ->        WPA2-PSK

                                                                     Encrypt Mode ->   AES


                                                           5G:  WPS Enabled ->     OFF

                                                                     Security Mode ->  WPA-Personal

                                                                     Auth Mode ->        WPA2-PSK

                                                                     Encrypt Mode ->   AES


                                                          Guest: Enable Guest Network -> OFF


Check the wifi passwords on both 2.4 and 5 Ghz to ensure that their sufficiently random in order to protect the networks from hacking.   

View solution in original post


Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

I plan to stick around

You should really look into unlimited, call in explain the situation and see if they can switch your father's plain to unlimited to avoid this in the future. It may also be worth resetting the WiFi modem and changing the password just in case someone else is using your Wi-Fi that being said the MyRogers page is very buggy. He also may have left the firestick on and it could have been streaming for a few days. Either way if you are streaming anything I would recommend going unlimited because it is very easy to go over by mistake and you cannot rely on overage notifications (They rarely work as most web pages are secure and don't allow the injection of the alert code)


This makes me angry at Rogers, data caps should not exist in 2021 there is no reason for it 


Explain your whole situation, get them to reverse the charges and see if they can get him a better, unlimited plan.  See if they have a seniors discount

Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@stepy2015 wrote:

You should really look into unlimited, call in explain the situation and see if they can switch your father's plain to unlimited to avoid this in the future.


He also may have left the firestick on and it could have been streaming for a few days.


Explain your whole situation, get them to reverse the charges and see if they can get him a better, unlimited plan.  See if they have a seniors discount

With a 30 Mb/s service, you get a transfer rate of approximately 3MB/s

250GB is 256000MB

256000MB / (3 MB/s) =  85333.33 seconds or 1422.22 minutes or 23.70 hours.


So, yeah, if the Firestick was left on and streaming, you could potentially get that much usage in one day but you also would have to be streaming 4K content all that time to consume that much bandwidth.


Hopefully Rogers can reverse that charge, and it sounds like it would be a good idea to upgrade his Internet service to an unlimited package to avoid similar surprises in the future.

Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@mikasha this used to be a very common problem for Rogers internet customers where you would see one or two days with completely ridiculous usage stats.  This hasn't come up for a while now so it makes me wonder what modem your father has?  Here's a link to the support page that shows the various modems: 


Internet Support | Rogers


I suspect that your father might have a CGN3 series modem which is the black, vertical, rectangular modem.  


I'd send a message to @CommunityHelps to reverse the charge.  Follow that link to their public page when you're logged into the forum.  On that page, use the link to "Send this user a private message".  That will take you to the message composition page.  Add the subject title and relevant details and hit send.  When you're logged into the forum, look for a number overlaying your avatar at the top right hand corner, indicating a response to your message.  That avatar also serves as a link to your mailbox (inbound and outbound).  Follow the avatar (link) and mail link to the message inbox. 


Food for thought, check your dad's router and ensure that the following is set:





                                                                     Security Mode ->  WPA-Personal

                                                                     Auth Mode ->        WPA2-PSK

                                                                     Encrypt Mode ->   AES


                                                           5G:  WPS Enabled ->     OFF

                                                                     Security Mode ->  WPA-Personal

                                                                     Auth Mode ->        WPA2-PSK

                                                                     Encrypt Mode ->   AES


                                                          Guest: Enable Guest Network -> OFF


Check the wifi passwords on both 2.4 and 5 Ghz to ensure that their sufficiently random in order to protect the networks from hacking.   

Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

I've been here awhile

Thank you to everyone for your replies. I was able to get the charge reversed and get my dad an unlimited internet package so he won't have to worry about this again. He's even saving money (approximately $10 per month) due to a current sales promo. 😊 I am going to review his modem information and ensure the modem is secure including changing his WiFi passwords, just in case.

Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

I've been around

In your reply to re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge  dated ‎09-06-2021 09:59 PM, (I have an exact same problem,

as the individual in that post) you mentioned sending a private message to @CommunityHelps, I have tried this and it won't send

the message due to Authentication Failure error. What am I doing wrong and where is the message going to when I do get it sent.

Re: Unexpected Internet Overage Charge

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@pjb999 wrote: mentioned sending a private message to @CommunityHelps, I have tried this and it won't send...

Please see the following slightly different instructions on sending a PM.  These messages go to the moderators on this forum, who I have always found quite helpful and responsive.


When logged into the forum, click on @CommunityHelps  .  On the page that comes up, you'll see a link on the top right of the screen to "send a message".  If you're using a tablet or phone, you may need to switch your browser to the desktop version. How to do that will depend on the device but a web search should find it.  There may be some back and forth required while Rogers get your personal information to look into your account.  Personal information is not allowed in this forum.  


If you still have difficulties, it may be due to browser issues like extensions or blockers. See the following post on that topic:

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