I plan to stick around
since ‎08-12-2015

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is 1-866-654-8536 a valid Rogers customer service number ?   I received a voicemail from 1-866-654-8536 asking me to call this number back to take an appointment to have a Rogers technician to come to my home to maintain internet service, to check si...
I searched everywhere on Rogers support website, but could not find out whether the home phone's "Home & Away Online Manager" is a feature that is free to get. Also, it would be really nice to have a summarized table depicting which features using st...
Although myself have a Rogers CGN3ACSMR modem/router, my question is more generic and not related to any particular make/model. Although my modem/router has no issues, I have the habit of rebooting it once a week, my reasoning being to allow its soft...
Nowadays, everywhere in magazines, newspapers, articles, webs, etc., we see people concerned, when online, about personal information stealing, data redirecting, etc. And people are looking for ways to protect their privacy while online, for software...
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