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Lost my phone

I plan to stick around

I lost my blackberry , i put it on hold but i want to get another phone from rogers would i be able to and continue my 3 year contract or would i have to cancel my contract and take out another phone ??



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Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted advisor
I really do not get what you are saying. You lost your blackberry but put it on hold :/..

If you lost your blackberry then Rogers does offers a out of warranty program which has a few different phones but with a price. ( they are not new just older models). You could also buy a phone from Kijiji.

Re: Lost my phone

I plan to stick around

by put it on hold i meant i suspended the service lol , and no i dont want to buy a 2nd hand phone i want a phone from rogers, nor am i interested in their warranty program which is why im asking if i were to take out another phone from them (for example: iphone 4s) would i need to cancel my contract first or could i take it out on the remaining years of my contracts?

Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted advisor
Well in order to get another phone from Rogers you MIGHT be able to do the early upgrade but in order to do that you must be 6 months in your 3 year contract. The early upgrade offers you to get another phone BUT you need to pay the early upgrade fee as well. Its going to cost a bit as much as you cancelling the contract & opening another one. You need to contact Rogers & speak to them more about this since they are able to look into your opinions.

Re: Lost my phone

I plan to stick around

I'm 5months into my contract, I was going to call them but i wanted to see what the people of the forums could tell me and suggest etc.

Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted advisor
Well you need to wait until you reach 6 months & then you will be eligible to get the early upgrade but like i said it will cost you.

Here you can read more on it here

Re: Lost my phone

I plan to stick around

So theres nothing else i can do ?

Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted advisor
Nope unless you go buy a used phone from Kijiji or a cellphone store but since you do not want that there is nothing else. Rogers does not give you a free phone when you lose yours.

Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted contributor

If you go with Meowmix's suggestion of getting another phone, make sure you can return it to the seller.  Just because it's a phone that might be offered by Rogers for their users, if the phone you but was used on another network that uses different frequencies than Rogers, you won't be able to use it. 



Basically, if you can't return it, don't buy it.  🙂

Re: Lost my phone

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Osama33, when you bought your phone, even though you bought it on a term and got it for a discount, did u notice the no-term retail price?  they have these prices for a reason, that is the retail cost to buy this phone if you do not want or can not get a contract price.

I do not know about you but if I loose a phone, id also like to know the full retail price of it too, in the event It gets damaged or lost so I know what I would pay if I had to buy another one.  If that is a problem to you, then you might want to buy a lower end phone for now, and think about it before your next  majour phone purchase. 

Re: Lost my phone

I've been around

rogers will always win not the customer

Re: Lost my phone

ive never heard of someone who lost sometihng claiming they are winning.  a loss is a loss,  you will have to accept it, pay for it to be replaced, and move on. no one wins from losses except the person who found the phone

Re: Lost my phone

I've been here awhile

I'm a heavy user and pay our Dear Rogers alot of money every month. Even if I was at the 5 month mark I would refuse to pay the upgrade fee when I'm paying so much every month.  In fact I did this recently and not only are they crediting my account, they removed a fee (6.95 access fee)  I believe was a cash grab in the first place, I'll end up in the end paying only $9 for my new phone. 

Re: Lost my phone

I pay my Cable TV provider lots of money, but when my TV breaks, I pay a Department store to buy a new one.

I also pay cell service to rogers, but purchased my phone from elsewhere, heck not even in this country. It makes no sense for me to go after Rogers if I lost my cellphone, when I never even bought it from them, it was bought in a different country. I just buy another one and move on with my life.

Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted advisor
@spacejammer. You do know Bell & Telus have the same early upgrade fee in place.. Rogers is not the only one.

You know why they are doing this? Because people want a new phone so in order to get the new phone you must pay up. If you think this is bad then go buy a phone outright or from someone else on Kijiji or craigslist.

Just like Pauly said. When you have a broken TV the company does not give you a free TV if the TV broke on your hands. You go buy another TV as much as it cost. Grow up & pay up or else just go buy a used phone for less or go buy a phone outright for $500+.

Re: Lost my phone

Resident Expert
Resident Expert
I concur with Meow Mix.

Re: Lost my phone

How can you expect the company to come good or phone that was lost, the company ie rogers did not lost, i know its frustrating but they are right the only fix is buy a used phone and use it until your contract runs out or buy a new one and add it to the contract. Rogers does have a out of warr policy but you will have to pay full price for the phone/ or get a refrubushed phone at a cheaper price. no matter what cell phone company you are with you are not gonna get a new phone for nothing just after you got a new phone for nothing or little cost.....

I'm not a Rogers employee, my comments are my own and don't represent the views of this website.

Re: Lost my phone

I've been around

Thank goodness I got the protection plan since I lost my Samsung Galaxy 5 Neo.  They are going to replace the phone for a little over $200.00 instead of paying my payout amount of over 435.00.  Still an expensive mistake but less of a sting in the amount to replace the phone.

Re: Lost my phone

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @Skibunny

Glad to hear! Yes the Rogers protection from asurion is great. Many don't really put attention to the details or look over them and get surprised when they have to pay $200 or less for the device. They put monthly which is $11 a month I believe and that is $264. So them paying another $200 for the same phone they have or less is great!
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